Submitted by mindseye1212 t3_10m245c in television

I’ve finally gotten around to True Blood. I’m at S5E2. I think the show has been great up to this point so far.

I’ve heard it gets really bad? If so, when did that start to happen for you without spoiling it?



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thatoneguy889 t1_j60idh3 wrote

Most people would say it happened in season 4, so if you're still enjoying it, there's a decent chance you'll enjoy it to the end.


RusevReigns t1_j60iut6 wrote

I think most people liked the first 2 seasons the most, 3 had its most memorable villain but some bad filler stuff as well. If you haven't turned on it by the start of season 5 you'll probably be ok with it the rest of its run. Nobody was mad at it by the end like Dexter they were just tired.


ArchDucky t1_j60jh2y wrote

The last season is pretty bad. I didn't have an issue with it until the final.


TheEsotericWeeb t1_j60ung5 wrote

Been a while since I watched it but for me I think it started with season 3


earl-j-waggedorn t1_j60wc6w wrote

For me, it should have ended when Godric walked off into the sunlight


PoopStickler69 t1_j60wegu wrote

Once all the other people/animals start showing up and it becomes a goddamned menagerie.


bigbigguy t1_j60xj8y wrote

6 for me. I never finished the show


The-Jesus_Christ t1_j61cc6r wrote

I lost complete interest in the final episode of Season 3 when Claudine reveals herself to be Sookie's fairie godmother. I just thought that was absolutely stupid and never watched it again. Apparently Season 4 is when it turned into a dog turd anyway. Everything before then was amazing.


mindseye1212 OP t1_j61ds79 wrote

Yeah my favorite storylines directly involve the vampires.

Pam is one of my favorite characters—she’s just a badass that doesn’t give a fv<k. I like how they’re showing her maker story and also just the extended vampire world and it’s politics with the AVL—it’s headquarters and for the head chancellor to explain their motives: for vampires to evolve and coexist with humans. I thought it was a great motive and I’m interested to see what happens next.


DoAsIDontSay t1_j61l6ea wrote

The last season I enjoyed was the fourth season. It was total garbage after that in my opinion.


instantsea t1_j622qu4 wrote

If you got through season four you'll be fine

The fairy queen might be the worst thing ever screened on television and thats in season five so wait and see


PoopStickler69 t1_j62g28l wrote

Am I the only one who thought the stuff with the True Blood and the vampire government and all that stuff was wayyyyy more interesting than any of the Melodrama with the main cast?


Tahiniwomble1 t1_j62s5yq wrote

Five was where it lost me but then I enjoyed six and gave up on 7.

I love fiona shaw so I had no problems with four haha


Jay_Sondr t1_j6372ki wrote

Every season is worse than the last.

  • Season 1 is amazing.
  • Season 2 is very good.
  • Season 3 is watchable.
  • Seasons 4 - 6 are not.
  • The last season is ghastly.

tiltedslim t1_j65i0ml wrote

Season 4 starts to be a little meh, but you roll with it.
Season 5 starts to derail a little while having some points of interest
Season 6 is where I realized that I'm only watching this to get some return on my investment of already watching 5 seasons.
Season 7 is a trash can