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drinkallthepunch t1_j68g39s wrote

They’re not wrong.

There’s a lot of other shows we would all rather have.

Even the reasonable comments admit that it’s just a material filler show.

Can we not be so conceited?

Is it really that rage inducing that someone can call out a subpar show that somehow hasn’t been canceled?

Phil even hints multiple times that his brother has connections and that’s the only reason the show took off in the first place.

Otherwise it might never had been.

And Phil is a rich dude, the whole basis of the show is kind of out of touch with the times.

Dudes just traveling around blowing thousands of dollars so we can watch him eat food we will never be able to afford to travel and eat.

It’s just another form of wealth showcasing.

How many people do you know who could just go out and do what Phil does as a life hobby?

He’s retired and he’s not even senior yet.


eduzueck t1_j69c216 wrote

It’s not really subpar if people enjoy watching it, not everyone shares your opinion about what “we’d all rather have” and some of us like a casual warm show of a guy eating food.

It’s also probably cheap as hell to produce.


drinkallthepunch t1_j69dff3 wrote

Dudes got a whole camera crew are you high?

If they are paying livable wages it should be in the ballpark of $200k budget.

At least…….

Equipment, lodging, plane tickets, passports, guides, FOOD…..? Oh yeah and wages?

Can we have Sense8 or Daredevil back?

Show is subpar, to say the least.


eduzueck t1_j69vmp1 wrote

I mean, yeah, not saying you can make it with a couple bucks but still like probably 1/10th of the budget for a show like Sense8, which guess what, people didn’t watch and couldn’t justify its budget.


RawrRawr83 t1_j6c2n42 wrote

Actually 2% the budget if $200k is the accurate number


RawrRawr83 t1_j6c2lmd wrote

Uh.. so if you google, Sense8 cost $9 million per episode. So if you calculate the cost per view.. yea


Stink_Snake t1_j69t63x wrote

> Phil even hints multiple times that his brother has connections and that’s the only reason the show took off in the first place.

Phil was the executive producer/writer for Everybody Loves Raymond. He has his plenty of his own connections.