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resorcinarene t1_j6dw127 wrote

Something to learn from being on Reddit is people are loose in numbers if they are used for their purpose. $500,000 isn't enough, but it's not 0.5% of weekly profit. Most people here don't understand numbers in general


Slevinkellevra710 t1_j6e1h0h wrote

Yes, i made a comment with inaccurate financial numbers on a reddit post. If you expected perfect accuracy and research in numbers, i really don't know what to do for you.
I'm not a journalist or expecting people to source my off-the-cuff reddit comment. However, let's actually do some math since you seem interested.
The latest contract fox signed with the NFL has them PAYING the NFL 2 billion dollars a year for the rights to broadcast. Let's assume 20 weeks of games with playoffs, etc. That means that FOX paid 100 million per week to the nfl. They wouldn't do that if it wasn't profitable. A 500k fine into that 100 million is literally 1/2 of a percent.
I realize i said profit and not revenue. However, the size of the revenues involved here absolutely validate my point, which was this:
A 500k fine for this kind of offense is similar to fining the average person $1. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, and it will deter exactly 0 people.


resorcinarene t1_j6e20ep wrote

> Yes, i made a comment with inaccurate financial numbers on a reddit post. If you expected perfect accuracy and research in numbers, i really don't know what to do for you.

What makes you think I'm expecting anything from you? If anything, my comment serves to illustrate I know better than to expect accurate numbers from Reddit

> A 500k fine for this kind of offense is similar to fining the average person $1. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, and it will deter exactly 0 people.

So, you wrote all that because you think I'm disagreeing it's not enough when I also said this?

> $500,000 isn't enough...

I'm not really following what's motivating you lol


KennyFulgencio t1_j6e3zws wrote

so he comes up with your numbers and this is your reply? you seem like a real prick


resorcinarene t1_j6e6jka wrote

Wow, sorry your reading comprehension is limited. Dude stated this:

> Yes, i made a comment with inaccurate financial numbers on a reddit post.

That's what I said. His subsequent explanation was basically a justification of why he made up numbers. I agree that the penalty is too little, which was made clear by the following:

> $500,000 isn't enough...

Somehow, dude still replied to emphasize that his point was still valid because the numbers are large. Where did I disagree that $500K wasn't enough, again? I didn't.

Point is that neither you or numbers guy know how to read, or read too much into whatever I wrote. And yet somehow, I'm the one being harangued lol

Don't expect much from Reddit XD

edit: also, he didn't come with numbers. These are the actual numbers: