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kingdazy t1_j1xztbe wrote


I think most people don't understand, or think about, all of the moving parts that go into any production.

I like to think of it as the "Brad Pitt effect". Brad is neither a great actor, nor a bad one. He's only as good as the writing, the direction, the whole of the movie. Give him a great role in a great film, with a smart director that has a vision, that knows how to bring out what is required, and he shines. Give him a shit part in a shit film, and we get World War Z.

Adam Sandler is another fine example.

Edit: to clarify, in regards to Ops question, and your response, I don't think it's always thee actor making the role great, but often the other way around.


garlicbreadmemesplz t1_j1yi5qw wrote

Ur wrong about brat Pitt. He’s a great eating actor. He’s good at eating food in a scene. Oscar worthy some say.


tagen t1_j1zxjap wrote

Seriously, i swear in every negotiation his agent stipulates that Brad must eat 3 of his meals on camera while delivering exposition


code603 t1_j1zs8nx wrote

I heard from someone who cut one of his films that he also gives very consistent performances from take to take, so it’s much easier to cut his performance together without having to cut around mistakes/continuity errors.


Different_Papaya_413 t1_j20c9he wrote

Brad Pitt is a fucking incredible actor what are you talking about? If anything his looks actually hold him back


TeaTeeKaNee t1_j200b2l wrote

Bad take. Pitt is a great actor and he can even carry mediocre movies like World war Z.


OriginalUsername8000 t1_j21dx0u wrote

Worse take. Brad Pitt couldn't save that dumpster fire and you can tell that he didn't care to try.


[deleted] t1_j1y1xnh wrote



Kubelwagen74 t1_j1yb9bn wrote

I’m sure that we’re all impressed with your confident, objective opinion on an entirely subjectively judged area of skill. Tell me who the coolest kid in your school is?


Nerdguy88 t1_j1yy0dg wrote

Brad was the coolest kid in school. QB for football and was super nice to everyone. He was the coolest kid.