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Delicious-Tachyons t1_j25dad3 wrote

> b/c women shouldn't be fighting or something, idk

Well the actors were all born from the 20s through the 40s so it's not surprising they'd have dated attitudes of the era.


the_great_ashby t1_j25ncjk wrote

Were there women in combat roles in Vietnam and prior US wars?


StephenHunterUK t1_j25r7a5 wrote

Not counting OSS operatives (a role which could involve combat and certainly a high risk of death), generally not for the US. They tended to do stuff like secretarial work, communications, nursing and other stuff that would not put them into direct contact with the enemy. Unless the enemy showed up at the base. There were eight servicewomen killed in action.

A lot more for both Vietnams, but the records aren't great:

Things didn't really start changing until the 1990s, with female fighter pilots in particular.


Delicious-Tachyons t1_j25no80 wrote

that's not my argument. I was responding to "none of the other cast supported her (b/c women shouldn't be fighting or something, idk)" as the show was filmed in 1981.


mikevago t1_j273xh4 wrote

I mean, it's not like 80s network television was exactly a bastion of feminism in the first place.