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Scotsmania t1_j2er6ag wrote

What's up with all these posts lately, they either go full out slagging off the Rhaenyra character or do it in round about ways like this one.

It stinks.


Korrocks t1_j2esd5h wrote

The OP seems to be a little fixated on this character. Most of their commetns are along the lines of this:

>at least show fans will finally see Rhaenyra as the fat lazy fuck she truly is. You better not whine about it. Daemon is a loser as well


>The whore and her uncle will do something evil I guess. What else is new?


>Rhaenyra’s a lazy fuck that doesn’t do shit the entire time


>Rhaenyra from HOTD is a disgusting, horrible, and degenerate narcissist with no redeeming qualities: she would burn Westeros to the ground if it means she can fuck one more guy that she lusts after

It seems over the top to me.


SenpaiSwanky t1_j2esmzg wrote

This has to be the same guy, are we not doling out bans on this sub?


Lilbowl18 t1_j2et57p wrote

Game of Thrones is written in shades of grey. Typically, no character is just outright good with a few exceptions. Alicent and Rhanerya are extremely flawed characters with their own quirks and motivations behind their actions. Alicent isn't powerless to rebel, she's literally the queen, she is THE system, and she chooses to keep that system in place I.E. the Patriarchal rule, knowing full well that her husband, the king declared the rule go to Rhanerya in the end.

If you want the show to have clear protagonists and antagonists, then you should probably find a different show.


AtlasZec t1_j2et8uy wrote

Please just downvote, report, and move on. This is the same troll that's been posting the incel HOTD lately.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j2etcds wrote

Omg these threads are grating.

Alicent is also a spoiled daughter of a high lord who has the second most important position in the kingdom, had been the companion to two separate kings at a very young age, went a long with her fathers plan to seduce the king while he was in mourning so she could become queen, ruined her relationship with her best friend over it, and then undermined her husband's wishes for her former best friend by disparaging her as much as possible to the point where her children hated their nephews and then stole the thrown for her child when her husband wasn't even cold in the ground.

Alicent just isn't a particularly sympathetic character. Rhaenyra at least was undermined from the very beginning because people did not want her to be queen. Alicent was the result of deliberate maneuvering over many years


ninjoid t1_j2etewv wrote

I bet you really enjoyed the foot masturbation scene.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j2etn7j wrote

specific discussion of a show's plot would be more appropriately posted in r/freefolk or r/houseofthedragon

also, if you care that much, check out the source material for a more clear perspective. The audiobook is free on youtube, can push through it in a couple days.


tetoffens t1_j2etryb wrote

We get it. One character makes your dick hard and the other doesn't. Print the white knighting on your pillow, no need to type it out for the whole internet.


flipperkip97 t1_j2eug1q wrote

It can't be healthy to be this obsessed with fictional characters...