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yazzy1233 t1_j296f8y wrote

The magicians


alxXD t1_j298cec wrote

Just finished a rewatch, such a great show! Sad it ended, but I wasn't mad at the ending


radraz26 t1_j298xfi wrote

It had run it's course after season 3. Amazing show!


alxXD t1_j2997co wrote

I agree it started out very strong. The last season was a bit odd and a certain character not appearing once seemed out of place. But it was not a terrible series finale.

I tried to read the books, but I actually like the show better.


CoCambria t1_j29bdi3 wrote

I read the books first, so when I watched the show, I liked it alright, but it failed to live up to the books for me. I ended up not even finishing the last season. And Lev Grossman ended up being one of my favorite authors.


MisterT-Rex t1_j29afcq wrote

I tried to watch that show. It was pretty solid, but it was during 2020 and, well, my mental health wasn't quite ready for that show at the time.