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teddyburges t1_j280s5b wrote

>The OC was good too, although after the first season you kinda got the impression the writers didn't know what to do

I felt the opposite with season 1. It was controlled with some amazing songs and great moments and it was hilarious. Season 1 felt like the writers knew where they wanted to go with it. The wheels started to come off in season 2 as the network started tightening their grip on it and influencing storylines, like forcing the writers to get rid of a gay storyline cause they felt it was too raunchy for network tv. Then it all went to hell in season 3 when the network forced them to turn the whole thing into a soap opera. The audience bolted and the network swiftly cancelled it in season 4, trying to put the blame on everyone else, when it was them that sunk it.
