A Ryan Murphy show and one directed largely by Tim Burton, returning to one of his beloved properties, were not as under the radar or unanticipated as you're trying to present them.
Netflix overly stacked Dec 2021 to mid 2022 in The Witcher, Emily in Paris, Ozark, Bridgerton, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, etc. So as a result there was a vacuum in the second half and something had to succeed.
Wednesday got a huge promotional push, which is rare for a new show. I always knew it was going to get a monster number.
Dahmer was definitely a surprise hit that got no promo despite Murphy being a pretty huge name.
Both records were however yes influenced by the amount of subs they have now which is still a record high no matter how bad the press or media make the streamer look.
tetoffens t1_j24s35l wrote
A Ryan Murphy show and one directed largely by Tim Burton, returning to one of his beloved properties, were not as under the radar or unanticipated as you're trying to present them.