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inksmudgedhands t1_j14bbu6 wrote

There's something about Clint that I like about that Hawkeye kind of touched on. Clint is the only Avenger who strikes me as not wanting to be an Avenger. The guy doesn't want to be a superhero. He wants to be an undercover agent. A spy. But now his face is being plastered everywhere. There is even a musical with his likeness in it. And, frankly, he is kind of over it. I can imagine his kids dragging him to see Rogers the Musical and he reluctantly went along to make them happy. Otherwise, he would probably roll his eyes at the idea and never see it.

I want to see more stories of this side of Clint. The reluctant superhero. He would be a good mentor to the Young Avengers. I can see Kate dragging him into the fold, all proud and hero worshiping him and demanding he be their Nick Fury. And Clint sighing and doing so because deep down he is protective of these kids. He wants them to thrive. He wants them to do well.


TheBlackSwarm t1_j14bnlh wrote

I think Jeremy Renner is over the role honestly.


inksmudgedhands t1_j14h8sg wrote

I think he's over by how the character has been written before the Hawkeye series. But I think if you would lean more on the spy who doesn't want to be a superhero part, I think it would work. Like I said, Hawkeye, the series, felt like a shot in the arm for the character. We saw how broken he is. And it would be interesting to see more of that side and get to know his backstory.


the_original_Retro t1_j14cmgj wrote

Yeah, I have to agree.

There was a "tiredness" about him in the first episode that I coincidentally watched last night so the memory is fresh. His character not only looked like Hawkeye didn't want to be there, the actor looked like RENNER didn't want to be there.

The parenting scenes at the restaurant were horribly written, woodenly acted and looked out of place. They felt... tired as well.

Maybe this changes in later episodes but the first episode really didn't shine a good light on the Hawkeye actor. I realize he was supposed to be someone that was tiredly dealing with the legacy of his previous actions and not wanting any of the publicity that came with it... but it was almost too genuine as it bled through the whole portrayal.


Fit_Serve726 t1_j14qv9u wrote

I think thats just him as an actor, he was the same in that terrible movie The Hurt Locker.


the_original_Retro t1_j14uxfg wrote

I think he has some shining moments.

He was quite good in his Bourne-related role, and he's excellent with banter (that scene with him and Quicksilver in Avengers 2 just makes me chortle every time).

They're just not coming across in this series... or, to be fair, at least not yet.


Fit_Serve726 t1_j14wgyf wrote

Yeah, Its tough to say, Im not sure how far you are into it, or if you have watched it before, but a few better actors come into it, and he is still kind of wooden compared to them. I do need to rewatch it again, but I am in the middle of my annual Band of brothers watching.


Reptar_here_me_roar t1_j15p1ps wrote

Yeah, I think what I like about Hawkeye is when I first saw him on the big screen I was like,”lol who does this fucking guy think he is? He thinks he’s an avenger with his little bow and arrow and karate? Fuck offff!” And then he’s like “yeah I kinda feel the exact same fucking way kill me now” so I’m like “hmm ok fine. I guess ur moves r prety kool”


BuzzHuzzFuzz t1_j1827dm wrote

Which is funny, because in every one of his appearances, he was instrumental in saving the world and without him, Avengers lost lol.


Reptar_here_me_roar t1_j1869wc wrote

Exactly. I actually think they did a great job on his character despite my low expectations