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freeprince1982 t1_j2fvmee wrote

>I don't think I can because I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

A good actor would have played other roles. Be known for some good acting. If I told you Tom Hanks didn't act well in Forest Gump or The Terminal you could show me another movie where he acted well besides those to show me he is a dynamic actor with acting skills. I don't see people doing that here. I'm basically seeing white knighting and people saying that the character has poor writing. I could easily imagine other actors carrying this role with more integrity and be funnier and more amusing to watch. If you guys really like her, by all means, Stan for your life. I just don't see why she is necessary or important. In fact, she makes me hold a partial grudge against the show for casting her.


huebomont t1_j2fvwip wrote

yeah you’re not listening


freeprince1982 t1_j2fw1vr wrote

Overacting as a character. Cool. It still doesn't make it suck less.


huebomont t1_j2fw64x wrote

yeah, I agree. which you would know if you were reading and not just looking for a fight


freeprince1982 t1_j2fweyg wrote

It's not writing. The show has good writing. I think you're really the one who doesn't get it. But, by all means, stand on your pedestal and say nothing, more.