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VitaLonga t1_j11972t wrote

I don’t think the takeaway from this is going to be about the royal family but rather that Harry and Meghan suck.

I find it hilarious that Reddit is all up in arms about constitutional monarchies (but weirdly only about the British one) while stanning their favorite corporations and geopolitical bad actors. Just lol


22Seres t1_j11ym4c wrote

How many people actually "stan" them? I can tell you that I won't spend a single solitary second watching this show or even watching a trailer for it. The only interest I have in them, and I think the same for many others, is the absolute bizarre level of hatred that some have for them, and Meghan in particular. Jeremy Clarkson demonstrated that recently when he decided to write about how he has a level of hatred toward her that's even greater than his level of hatred toward a notorious serial killer (Rose West).


berserkuh t1_j12up0a wrote

I don't know what weird reddit you go to, but nobody here likes anybody. Every corporation except for Costco is hated, and every political figure is also hated. The only exceptions are American republicans but that's because they're closer to a cult than an organization.


Yourbubblestink t1_j11uk7n wrote

Just finished the Harry and Megan reality show. Im really looking forward to next installment which will center around the upcoming failure of their marriage and their subsequent and ugly divorce.

That should come out sometime after Harry grows/wakes up and realizes that he got played - she stole the Crown Jewels


vagif t1_j12uq8v wrote

She is far richer than Harry, you idiot. If there's a gold digger in this marriage, it is him.


elixeter t1_j14l3vz wrote

Where did you get the data for this?