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Try_Another_Please t1_iy528tj wrote

Meh it's decent. There are levels between great and garbage


Midnight_Oil_ t1_iy54f7u wrote

Yeah, it's perfectly fine. Has some great moments and some rubbish moments. It's a fun show though all around.


Try_Another_Please t1_iy55rtl wrote

It feels like a large part of reddit is actively against enjoying anything media related .


JimBrady86 t1_iy5cp60 wrote

There's a large part of reddit that thinks Yellowstone is conservative propaganda.


Try_Another_Please t1_iy5fgqi wrote

Reddit is probably the worst at media awareness. Hell even the weird shippers actually LIKE what they watch.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_iy5nljo wrote

You are right. I've seen a lot of that.

John Dutton, obviously a hardcore right-winger self-proclaimed "eNeMy Of PrOgReSs", is elected governor and the very first thing he says behind closed doors is "f this state, the only thing that actually matter is the raaaynnch". It is shown repeatedly that the only way he has been able to maintain his iron grip on his enormous amount of land - that he inherited and did nothing to earn himself - is through violence and corrupt dealing. This is obviously not a good or heroic person or family.

Ironically, it seems like a lot of conservatives see the show as conservative propaganda...which is scary, considering the above, but not surprising.

Finally, it is ok for bad guys to be right sometimes, and many redditors seem to struggle with that idea. "Villain protagonist loves natural things and wants to protect them from overdevelopment"...didn't everybody love and connect with Thanos as a villain for having this same take?


KitchenReno4512 t1_iy55us8 wrote

I just absolutely HATE Beth and I am unclear why she is the star of the show at this point. The show was supposed to be about John and that pivoted majorly last season. Her character sucks. She should be in a mental institution, but instead everyone is like “watch out for Beth she’s a real firecracker! We’ll put you in charge of a billion dollar company.”


Bubbagumpredditor t1_iy57n7n wrote

> She should be in a mental institution, but instead everyone is like “watch out for Beth she’s a real firecracker! We’ll put you in charge of a billion dollar company.”

Heave you seen some of the psychos they put in positions of power?


patman_007 t1_iy5cn2c wrote

The drama is driven by her character's antics. Which is terrible because she's an unbelievable character and the fact that they use her to drive so much controversy is lazy and sexist writing. Even all the other characters' problems seem to revolve around fixing her mistakes or avoiding getting caught up in them.

Taylor Sheridan should really focus on his character writing..I feel all the males are terribly complex, there's no way to fault these men for what the boy went through type characters and then all the females are 2D caricatures. That's really my only beef with the show. The story is good, just hard to follow sometimes because of this.


clo4k4ndd4gger t1_iy5g82i wrote

I watch just hoping that some day she will finally get what she deserves.