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sgthombre t1_itlcuge wrote

I'll say this much for it, it's nice to not actively dread new episodes of Game of Thrones again.


Poetspas t1_itlgcz2 wrote

From Season 7 episode 4 on, every week was just incredulously staring at the screen and not being able to believe they would do what they were doing.


mylord420 t1_itmt4zt wrote

Season 7? Try season 5. Or "bad poosay" and the whole dorne arc was acceptable to you?


Poetspas t1_itn2eob wrote

"Acceptable to me"? Bro it's a show. I love the books and devoured them multiple times but at the end of the day I'm consuming a piece of media and a product. If I'm watching it, I guess I'm accepting its existence? Sure.

Dorne was pretty uninspired yeah. Shallow compared to the books. It was also like 6 scenes total in an entire season. And season 5 and 6 were, in general, still engaging television. For every 'Jaime in Dorne arc', there was still a 'Jaime in the Riverlands arc'. For every 'Arya in Braavos arc', there was still a 'Stannis burns Shireen arc'. One bad part does not erase a good part. And season 2 and, if I'm honest, season 3 also had some uninspired and simplistic parts. Long stretches of AFFC are also pretty boring and unengaging if you're reading it for the first time and are not in the right mindset for long meandering world-building. I "accept" that as well. Not everything can be Tyrion's trial level of engagement. Nor do I expect it to be.

Season 7 and 8 were, except for maybe the Field of Fire v.2 and Winterfell episodes, completely terrible. There really wasn't anything saving it on a whole. That just wasn't the case for season 5 and 6. So yeah, bad poosey and the Dorne subplot were "acceptable to me".


MrDabollBlueSteppers t1_itnfngy wrote

Season 5 and 6 had some jarring moments and the quality fell off compared to Seasons 1-4 but as a whole it was still enjoyable TV

Seasons 7 and 8 are borderline unwatchable


OutOfBootyExperience t1_itmu3x9 wrote

it seems odd to me that someone would hate S7/S8, but enjoy HotD.

I feel like HotD has hits every item on the "i hate S7/8 checklist". And this is coming from someone who enjoyed watching S7/S8 and enjoyed HotD.

It feels like the both play up the big spectacle events and both have plenty of 'suspension of disbelief" moments.

I think S7/S8 hate is really based on the investment of time people put in over years, and not the actual content of any given episode. I get that there are plenty of stupid/goofy moments in 7/8 and that the writing generally felt a bit more like fan service, but it feels like HotD is the same way.

I think "cleaning their palette" with a new set of characters/some time away from the original is letting people appreciate HotD


Ryanchri t1_itn4gsg wrote

> someone who enjoyed watching S7/S8

I thought I was the only one