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Servebotfrank t1_itl4rz7 wrote

Yeah personally I thought season 6 was awful and was saved by the last two episodes. Meanwhile I've liked or at worst, was entertained by every episode of HotD so far.


Snuffl3s7 t1_itl7x6d wrote

The Hodor episode was also pretty good.


BaelBard t1_itl9f8q wrote

The Hodor episode had a banger of an ending, but it also had one of the worst scenes in the whole show - The Kingsmoot (Euron becoming king), which people tend to forget.


ras344 t1_itlf078 wrote

I'll never forgive them for what they did to my man Euron.


Snuffl3s7 t1_itl9mbq wrote

Fair enough, I only started watching the show in season 6 so to me that was the standard of the show.
