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Prax150 t1_iuj9kx7 wrote

Unfortunately the truth is more complicated than most people's individual feels and it's tough for a lowest-common denominator network procedural to realistically deal with that. I agree that SVU has been doing a decent job of it since 2020. All three L&Os are more nuanced than you would think. But they're also never going to fully lean into an ACAB stance because they're trying to appeal to the largest group of people possible. And that includes not only people who are pro-cop but also people who aren't but still want comfort food TV. And a lot of the time it feels like the stories where the cops are the "bad guys" in the episodes aren't exactly going full on in the other direction. And ultimately they are portraying "good cops."


GaryTheCabalGuy t1_iujb1qu wrote

>But they're also never going to fully lean into an ACAB stance

And they shouldn't fully lean into it. That would be no better than the cop propaganda these police procedurals used to be. It would just be the other extreme. The mixed bag approach of portraying both good and bad cops is better IMO.