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Valiantheart t1_jec7m0l wrote

I wonder why they set it so far in the future. Ritter was great in Jessica Jones, but the writers really let he down in seasons 2 and 3.


TechnoHorse t1_jecmufq wrote

It's probably so that there was time for a new batch of clones to grow up (presumably played by Ritter), otherwise you'd have to retcon the series to say these clones were all out there while Clone Club was doing their thing and they never happened to find any of the Ritter Clones despite taking down/revealing all the organizations.

A near future setting has its difficulties though. It's easy to get a lot of stuff wrong with how the future looks and it could become dated very quickly (even while the show is airing, e.g. political changes in Europe or elsewhere) which is not the position a soft sci-fi show wants to be in.


Radulno t1_jedta7t wrote

It's a sci-fi show, it's already "wrong", it doesn't try to be the real world lol.


TechnoHorse t1_jeelic8 wrote

There's a pretty big difference between "The show is basically set in the modern world except for one sci-fi hook that the show is about" (a group of clones are running around) vs "You're in a sci-fi future".


dratseb t1_jeel9d7 wrote

I couldn’t even finish season three. The “I know I killed your <spoiler> but can’t we just be friends” plotline was so stupid I couldn’t watch anymore.


Gommel_Nox t1_jefwcjx wrote

I was really hoping season three would’ve led to hell storm in season four


iamcharity t1_jee6mf3 wrote

Jessica Jones season 3’s writing was so painfully bad. I couldn’t get thru the first episode. I tried watching the second and gave up after five minutes.


jdessy t1_jef9uqo wrote

For me, season 2 was way worse. Season 2 almost made me not come back for season 3.

Season 3 isn't stellar, but I did find it better than 2.