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ghotier t1_jctof5r wrote

I thought it was pretty clear what he was all about. It runs counter to Martin's discussion about Orcs, but that's not cannon to the show or books. The White Walkers are evil and want to take over westerns because that's what they were created to do. Not much else to say about it.


theyusedthelamppost t1_jctq6sb wrote

that's a valid theory that can't be disproven, but it doesn't explain what's going on with the connection between NK and Bran inside his visions/flashbacks/greensight/time traveling/whatever you wanna call it

and then there's the deal that NK had with Craster implies something more going on than just being thoughtless beasts

I happen to prefer other theories and hope that the books make more of the scene when Bran looked back and saw the creation of the first White Walker


Indigocell t1_jcvsfug wrote

If the sequel books come out, I have no doubt that the Walkers (aka "Others") will play a much larger role in the story. It makes no sense to open up with them on the very first scene otherwise.