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RPoliticsModsFU t1_jd831jq wrote

I didn't really expect for the first game to be finished in one season. Nothing really feels left out, but something feels missing from it. The story was great, the actors were better. But I feel like the pacing suffered in some areas. I give it an 8/10.


NobodyTellPoeDameron t1_jd88t8g wrote

For me the show started out amazing and ended as good/very good. When they omitted zombies from the second half of the show I thought it was odd but I wasn’t super bothered by it. Then, after watching the finale and realizing that they were critical to the gravity of the final choice, I was very disappointed in the lack of zombie threats.

It felt like Jurassic Park without dinosaurs. Everyone in Boston and KC should just move west and restart civilization in Oklahoma instead. We just saw two characters travel by foot and horse for hundreds and hundreds of miles talking as loudly as possible including in downtown Salt Lake City and there’s no zombie threat there whatsoever.

So Joel made the right choice because the other option would not have had a meaningful impact on the world of The Last of Us.


onex7805 t1_jdbomc5 wrote

Playing the game makes you care more about the characters because you have to fight their battles for them for a 15-20 hour game.

The show lacks much of a connection since you are tuning in once a week and the threat of infected is not in your face.


banana455 t1_jdbbcdv wrote

the show needed 1-2 episodes to really spend more time with Joel and Ellie and develop their relationship

non-game players who I watched with didn't find his decision at the end fully earned and I don't blame them