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jelatinman t1_je5qb69 wrote

Being the lead off after Abbott elementary will help with that.


KneeHighMischief t1_je5ydne wrote

I watched this without knowing the hook of the show & was still really enjoying it. Only minor quibble is Lauren Ash feels slightly miscast but I think it will be okay the longer it runs.


Yellow-Eyed-Demon t1_je635fc wrote

Yes, I was very surprised they cast her for that role, she fucking nailed Dina on 'Superstore' so it's been hard to accept her in this.


bros402 t1_je6z172 wrote

I haven't seen Superstore and it looks like Lauren Ash plays Lexie? I like the character of Lexie - she has just the right balance of out of touch and sympathetic


LiveFromNewYork95 t1_je66p06 wrote

I haven't watched it yet but does the premise of her being visted by the dead people she writes about last? Cause the marketing of the show did a 180. It was all about the premise before the show aired and then every commercial since then has just made it look like a regular workplace comedy so I didn't know if they retooled it.


inadaptado t1_je6fyvr wrote

She's still visited by at least one dead person in every episode but they're just a device for her to realize something and/or fix some aspect of her life. Sometimes she also helps the ghost get some closure, although the way the gimmick works she can just ignore them altogether. Given that the main character only has that much growth to achieve it's inevitable that the secondary ones will get progressively more screentime. All in all it's a pretty mild sitcom but I personally liked it better than most of the new crop of comedies.


bros402 t1_je6zw3r wrote

She's visited by at least one every episode - they help her solve a problem or point something out and sometimes she helps them get closure.


VitaLonga t1_je60d97 wrote

Lol, this is damning with faint praise. The ratings are nothing to write home about.


Cucoloris t1_je776t5 wrote

I just dumped the timer last night. I wanted to like it. I like many of the actors, but it just seemed to be light on entertainment.


bitca57 t1_jefm35g wrote

Eh, the show isn't anything special. Gina Rodriquez deserves better. Jane the Virgin was a once in a lifetime type of show and she deserved everything she got from that. I was hoping for something just as amazing for her for her next series, but instead we got another forgettable network sitcom that plays the same note every single episode. Don't get me wrong, the show isn't the worst thing ever. But it's just so.. meh. I tune out every time I watch and end up looking at my phone.


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_je8ly4p wrote

The first episode totally sucked and I doubt that it could have improved enough to bother watching.


zsreport t1_jea85l2 wrote

Network sitcoms tend to have sucky pilot episodes. They're often awkward and choppy. That's why I usually give a network sitcom a few episodes.

[That being said, the pilot episode for 'Animal Control' was surprisingly good for a network sitcom pilot - might of helped that they borrowed the opening from a classic 'This American Life' segment.]


bros402 t1_je5y15c wrote

It's a fun comedy. Much better than its boring leadin
