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BordersRanger01 t1_je2bdkm wrote

Shocked it made it to season 3. Sky has such a low hit rate with shows it is unreal


ProfessionalAward617 t1_je2cjg9 wrote

The rating isn't very good, but every show deserves an end. This isn't fair, the show had some viewers for sure.


rit56 t1_je2ddnl wrote

A subsidiary of Netflix.


Jack____Straw t1_je2dmu1 wrote

Haven’t seen it, but the trailer looked horrid.


anasui1 t1_je2hpgj wrote

honestly didn’t think it would get past one season. Awful


No-Trade5311 t1_je2nfom wrote

Not surprised. Season 1 was genius but again they took to long to get to the punch. Should have finished in 3 seasons.


Majestic87 t1_je2o3l0 wrote

Okay so, I watched season one just after it all aired… I have been waiting for a season 2 announcement this entire time XD

Their marketing was apparently abysmal.


TerraInvicta1776 t1_je2qvr3 wrote

It's been a long time since we got a decent show set in ancient Rome/Greece.


Cyyyyk t1_je2t8qe wrote

One of my all time favorite shows. The ending honestly makes no sense though..... it really needed another season. A real shame but no surprise..... the show was criminally underrated and had no buzz at all. Both Aulus Plautius and Veran were some of the most well done and unique characters I have ever seen in any format.


Cyyyyk t1_je2txxg wrote

Yea given the way it played out I wish it had ended after season 2 so it would have made some sense. I had assumed that Aulus Plautius would reassert himself in season 4 but now we will never know. A real shame.


dukezap1 t1_je35d49 wrote

Is that the Governor in the thumbnail?


DoomPurveyor t1_je3asq9 wrote

As long as you approach it as a comedy, it's an ok hate watch due to some of the cast.

But I'm still shocked it even landed a second season, let alone a third.


LeoIrish t1_je3bvuy wrote

Possibly the weirdest / strangest / oddest show I have ever seen; I did like it. I am a bit surprised it made it to S3, especially after Amazon dropped out.


foxscribbles t1_je3ftm5 wrote

The decent thing for show runners to do is not make a cliffhanger if their show is on the cancellation bubble. (I think the only show I’ve watched that actually did this was the first run of Leverage.)

And if a show has enough of a following to get two full seasons or more, studios should have the decency to give them one double length episode to wrap up the loose ends. (So an hour episode for a sitcom, two hour episode for a drama.) But this will never happen.


goldybear t1_je3lbxp wrote

I wouldn’t say trash but it definitely wasn’t for me. My husband loved it though so I sat through the first two seasons with him. It’s like Rome and The Last Kingdom had a child but nowhere near as good as either.


GreatLordIvy t1_je3m4pl wrote

Okay so I didn't even know this existed until I saw this thread, and now, looking at the trailer I am kinda interested.

Should I even bother?


spaceboys t1_je3npm4 wrote

I had this in my watchlist before it aired and leave it there as apparently it didn't have any progress or second season...


Hanifsefu t1_je3qq31 wrote

It's honestly part of the problem with the shows in the first place. Cliffhangers are writing tactic that help to retain viewership between episodes and between seasons. The network usually demands them but they'll just hurt the show in the long run as each episode and season doesn't have enough payoff and the show winds up feeling horribly paced and unfulfilling.

Sometimes a show just doesn't have enough content to offer and being forced into the pacing of the weekly cliffhanger schedule kills them and any chance the story had at being fulfilling.


cheezwizmonger t1_je3y1l7 wrote

Seasons 1 and 2 were great. I was hooked. Season 3? Trash. Absolute garbage. Didn’t even feel like I was watching the same show. Really sad that they did that to it. It could have been amazing.


Obstreperus t1_je3yae1 wrote

Oh that's disappointing, this was really entertaining.


IguanaBob26 t1_je40jx1 wrote

Cait was Boudica. Getting sent to Rome, she would be indoctrinated with roman teachings then sent back to Britannia to marry a Roman friendly King to make a stronger alliance. Once the king dies, shit hits the fan because Romans are assholes and she burns the whole fucking island to the ground in a vengeance filled bloody rampage.


MachineCode86 t1_je42jd4 wrote

🎶Hey Britannia. We’re can-celling your show🎶


bomboclawt75 t1_je45ocv wrote

They should ALWAYS have the funds set aside for a mini movie/ double episode to wrap things up instead of Blueballing us. Too many shows have suffered this fate.


mickeyflinn t1_je4fnj0 wrote

That show was so lousy. I am stunned it made it past S1.


boersc t1_je4g1lz wrote

I hate it when showrunners do this. They try to force a new season but when it's ultimately cancelled, it's the network that gets the blame.


SlouchyGuy t1_je4j9xm wrote

It's simple, just don't cliffhanger at the end of the season, even if it's not "finale" finale, which is impossible if the show is serialized, just end themes of the season.

But at this rate, cancellation is always with a cliffhanger because it's used to bring people back


NonAggressive-Ask t1_je4vdwl wrote

Watched the First season and about halfway through I realized the showrunners took a fascinating concept and just went to the zoo with it, and I was done


Jmclay681 t1_je5nmta wrote

So frustrating when the show slogs along and gets cancelled before reaching the overall arc of the story. I was looking forward to Cait being named Boudica, they teased it from the first damn episode. Season 4 was setting up to be pretty awesome with her being educated in Rome and going back and leading the revolt and kicking the Romans out of Britain.


McFeely_Smackup t1_je6kodg wrote

and Britannia just got removed from my "to watch" queue.

These tv producers still don't seem to get it. Cancelling a show on a cliffhanger absolutely guts future streaming value. Nobody is going to want to start watching a show that they know ends with "hey audience, fuck you for watching".

The solution is not just easy, it's trivial. Don't write goddamn cliffhanger season finales. it's literally that easy. Or, if you literally don't know how to not do that because your writers are pretentious hacks, then commit to at least one wrap up episode.

Or just turn your entire production into a sunk cost and write it all off, whatever I dont' care. But when you wonder "why doesnt' our amazing new show get more viewers?" THIS is why. people are waiting to see if you fuck it up before investing their time in it


Vandenberg_ t1_jedmlek wrote

'Twas then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man Came singing songs of love Then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man Came singing songs of love

"Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy" he sang "Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy" he sang "Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy" he sang