Submitted by DirectionNew5328 t3_12474nb in television

Childish Things. Tom’s bicycle ride across the thoroughfare. It’s a sweet, happy moment in a hard place, and all the killers, vice merchants, miners and whores seem to appreciate the respite.

It’s a lovely moment in a highly visceral series. Deadwood is the best screenwriting I’ve ever appreciated, and it is shot beautifully, too. The acting is superlative.



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stumpcity t1_jdy3p56 wrote

My favorite line from that whole show is in that episode:

"My bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb! Those that doubt me? Suck cock by choice"

It's not the BEST line in the show, but the combination of frills+filth is so pitch perfect, to me, that it's the one I love the most.


logicalnoise t1_jdy4a6s wrote

The few truly happy moments in that show are all beautiful.


willtag70 t1_jdy5zbr wrote

Hard to think of another series that played its instrument at such a high and consistent level. A unique achievement.


aestus t1_jdyug1m wrote

The way the writing veers between shakespearean and potty mouth is a thing of absolute cocksucking beauty.

A quote I like: When I say, 'Go fuck yourself, Sheriff,' will you put that down to drunkenness or a high estimate of your athleticism?"


mr_scorpion_sir t1_jdywvcr wrote

I just finished this episode 5 minutes ago by chance and I love the scene at the end where the doc finds the dead Chinese girl in a cage and yells at Woollcott. Great episode.


fredbrightfrog t1_jdzaosb wrote

I only watched Deadwood for the first time a couple months ago.

I usually binge stuff, but it was so good I forced myself to alternate with other shows so that it wouldn't be over too fast.


CubistMUC t1_jdzfvq9 wrote

This series was a real gem.

It is sad that it ended so early.


jake831 t1_je1hvn0 wrote

Well I guess it's time for a Deadwood re-watch, then I know I'll have to keep my Timothy Olyphant man crush rolling so I'll have to watch some Justified as well.