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Friendly_Advantage31 OP t1_j9q9pm5 wrote

This is interesting. Is there a take on a trip that hasn’t been done that might reflect the personal experience better?


cannabination t1_j9qacji wrote

Acid is a helluva drug. It's one of those things you have to experience to begin to understand, and every trip is different. Even within a single trip, there are notably different chapters. The best I can describe it is being a child again. You're more connected with the universe around you and all of your brain, but you're never 100% certain what's going on. Everything is magnified... good, bad, and ugly.

You'll be thinking several trains of thought concurrently until you focus on one, and the rest disappear into the aether. You think so much, and in ways you normally don't. This causes you to examine yourself and your relationships in ways you normally don't.

There's nothing else like it... the intensity and power of strong lsd can't be contained by experience or force of will, and it will last 10 hours so you'd better be right with yourself.

That said, doing something you love on acid is the best thing ever. W/e it is; writing, playing music, any kind of art, I'm sure left brain stuff too... you'll find new and interesting ways to do it.


SpreadYourAss t1_j9qf51t wrote

It's still hard to comprehend how the brain even works on LSD. Whenever I think about the insane visuals I saw on acid it almost feels unbelievable.

Personally my favorite way to enjoy it is to just relax on my head, put on some headphones and listen to some music. The way music feels while you're on acid is unreal!

I remember the first time I did acid, I was like there's no way it actually feels like people say. People are just exaggerating. And when the first visuals hit, it's like you've unlocked a completely different level of experiencing reality that you didn't thought was possible.


cannabination t1_j9qesji wrote

After some thought, What Dreams May Come. It doesn't represent an acid trip, it is an acid trip. Waking Life is probably right there as well.