Submitted by MackinawCity2000 t3_110hr8k in television

Being a passive fan of SNL's Kyle Mooney, I did a deep dive into his filmography and saw that he was in the show called "Hello Ladies".

Fired up HBO Max and binged the whole thing in 3 days. Absolutely hilarious and some of the heaviest cringe (in a good way) that I've ever watched as Stephen Merchant's character bumbles his way through his social circle and dating exploits in Los Angeles.

Also, exceptionally written and dark humor with some great throwaway lines. Such as when Merchant's entitled character is strolling through a party, sees a woman from behind, turns her around to look at her face and says "not a model" and keeps moving on.

Sad to see this was another one season casualty from HBO. I can see people not liking it for whatever reason but it certainly has filled a void between a few shows I'm waiting to return.

Who else has seen this? Thoughts?



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facebook57 t1_j88x3kj wrote

Enjoyed it when it was on. Especially Wade.


MackinawCity2000 OP t1_j88xbev wrote

Amazing character arc that was only realized in the movie, unfortunately. I loved him.


sixersfan87 t1_j89r7ck wrote

I miss this show and wish it was able to get more seasons.

The movie to close the series just felt rushed but I’m glad HBO at least gave them that.


MackinawCity2000 OP t1_j89wjzl wrote

Right? I felt the same way. I was wondering how that movie came about. Were they contractually obligated to do it or did they pitch it to the network? I’m not sure.

Of all the crud in the past three years I’ve watched that did not deserve a second season, I’m bummed they didn’t get a round 2.

The same goes for HBO’s Enlightened which I was obsessed with. That deserved two more seasons at least.


TalkToTheLord t1_j8an9km wrote

I can completely co-sign this comment, would have been my near exact statement. Great little show and it’s still a pleasant surprise it got the wrap up movie. So many little satisfying series would be more beloved and recommended if it had the closure, at least, like this got.


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j8b7xq7 wrote

I loved it, the tapdancing scene is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. Haven't watched it since it aired but still remember it.


given2fly_ t1_j8f9qzn wrote

I really enjoyed it.

Just finished his most recent series "The Outlaws" which was on BBC here in the UK. About a bunch of people on Community Service in Bristol, and randomly stars Christopher Walken.


MackinawCity2000 OP t1_j8fg7dy wrote

Merchant wrote Hello Ladies, correct? The writing on this show has made me want to seek out stuff he's done since Hello Ladies ended.


given2fly_ t1_j8fqpg0 wrote

Yeah he did.

Merchant also co-wrote the UK Office and Extras with Ricky Gervais.


yourstrulytony t1_j8jt4qi wrote

Such a hilarious show. My favorite sequence is Merchant going back and forth between the limo and lounge because he thinks he can hook up with his roommate's friend.


MackinawCity2000 OP t1_j8jumi3 wrote

Love that scene! There was also some insanely ballsy humor around color and race (at the pool party) that they handled quite well. This show had no issues making Merchant look like a total ass.

“Chicken Wings!”


TheShadyGuy t1_j8y3m2e wrote

When they are in the bathroom at the club and he lies to the bouncer!