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this_ismyfuckingname t1_j9xkzxt wrote

Loved that reveal, too. Is this maybe the first times that kind of reveal has been done? (Same spoiler, don't read cause it is really good)

>!I mean a covid reveal as a punchline to a joke about how it's going to fuck over everyone's entire next 2 years.!<

It was honestly really clever, and I wouldn't be shocked to see this same joke pop up in other media.


Moggehh t1_j9zhi9w wrote

I literally screamed when they showed the punchline. It was so perfect. It makes so much sense why they were finally able to write another season.


triumph_ride t1_ja2ct92 wrote

Yeah I guess it'll make sense for why Henry is back in the crew etc.. but I feel like teaching would've been a steady job? Regardless, COVID is a great way to say why these people might still be in catering years later.