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Collier1505 t1_j9yjy5w wrote

To be fair (I haven’t read the books too for what it’s worth), do we know it doesn’t go anywhere? I was under the impression it was kind of still developing as of the end of the most recent book.


Brilliant-Disguise t1_j9z9sba wrote

Character was introduced in the final page of a book released 23 years ago. Since then, they've appeared in a single chapter from a book released 18 years ago.

I don't think GRRM has any idea what's going on with the character. I don't blame D&D for dropping her.


[deleted] t1_j9zz74m wrote



cmrunning t1_ja3bw6w wrote

It's comical that people would follow someone who was resurrected by the god they believe in?


edicivo t1_j9ypw8v wrote

We don't know if it goes anywhere but the show has been long over and the books don't seem likely to be finished so really, it doesn't matter whether or not Stoneheart is vital to the book storyline.

But currently, she just seems to be a revenge zombie which wasn't something the show needed.


31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9yls73 wrote

developing is a big stretch. there were a few chapters about it and they were quite vague. it was basically just a way to give some well-liked characters a reason to group up.

they arent even really mentioned in the 5th book afair, only up to the 4th book. and that shit was in 2005. almost 20 years, thats no longer "developing"


Sinrus t1_j9z4rh4 wrote

Very few characters are mentioned in both the 4th and 5th books, they take place at the same time in different parts of the world. As of where the books left off, Lady Stoneheart is moments away from executing two of the most important characters in the story, I would say that definitely seems to be going somewhere.