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cmlucas1865 t1_j921p2v wrote

Yeah but all of that sale is assets & IPs.

WWE is assets, IPs, live broadcast, ticketing & a fan culture that still engages in pay-per-view.

Honestly, for the right leader with the right strategy, WWE is a Lucasfilm level asset with millions in ticket sales in any given week, with millions in residuals. From a pure revenue/cash flow perspective, WWE is one helluva business. It has an almost guaranteed weekly, monthly & annual cash flow regardless of whether or not the current storylines stick. Much easier for WWE to recover quickly from a Solo- or ROS-situation with no brand damage than for Star Wars to be exiled to TV with no box office revenue for 5 years while they figure out what to do with it.


merelyadoptedthedark t1_j923fpb wrote

>that still engages in pay-per-view.

WWE hasn't done proper PPVs in ages. That strategy went away with the WWE Network, and they are no longer even called pay-per-views, they are now officially called premium live events.

Buying Lucasfilm also included Industrial Light and Magic and Skywalker Sound, so there were still tangible money generating assets included completely outside of the Star Wars brand.