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ShanaAfterAll t1_j93jnp2 wrote

The Third Day has a 12 hour episode.


Vincent_adultman98 t1_j9411r4 wrote

Was it any good? And is it on HBO max? Might be worth checking out.


wujo444 t1_j957gk9 wrote

It's not and that's kinda annoying. I don't remember exactly, but the vast majority was waiting for crew to set up off-camera.


siriusthinking t1_j986fk8 wrote

I enjoyed the show but the 12 hour episode is not worth it. There are highlights of it on YouTube.


Rostabal t1_j93walj wrote

Every Sherlock episode was about 90 minutes long


lolothescrub t1_j93jnb4 wrote

I mean not that long, but lost had some real long finales


belac889 t1_j93q08v wrote

The Lost finales were always two hour time slots, but occasionally the episode before the finale was technically part 1 of the finale, those being Exodus and There's No Place Like Home (which both are split into three parts). Making them a little over two hours without commercial

The rest were just the normal two hour finale that would be a little under 90 minutes without commercials (these ones are sometimes edited as one episode or sometimes split into two parts, there is no consistency on streaming services).


TheBroadHorizon t1_j93o6x4 wrote

The MASH finale was 2 hours which was notable for a 30 minute sitcom.

Edit: And the Sense8 finale was 2.5 hours.


homogenic- t1_j93o0bn wrote

Sense8 finale was two hours and a half long.


mikey_mod t1_j93p3qi wrote

Not that long, but Sons of Anarchy started doing this midway through its run with 90 minute episodes pretty much every week. It's pretty much why I stopped watching.


SoMantAltsLol t1_j93yop5 wrote

was gonna ask if that show was any good like real drama or more gimmick

closer to The Shield/ Sopranos or more cheesy


Vincent_adultman98 t1_j941alr wrote

Starts out and you think it'll be like The Shield where it's incredible and each season goes into the next so easily, but it slowly but surely morphs into a soap opera.


budman200 t1_j96je8q wrote

Yeah seasons 1 and 2 had a good hook and clear development of characters, then it devolves into characters following the same arc every season. Later seasons honestly feel close to a cw show in quality imo


xrnzaaasPL t1_j97ghxw wrote

They became a slog. A lot of the episodes had a 3-4 minute intro with only music playing and nobody saying anything. Plus the storylines were trash and some characters were killed off too late (or not at all).


MulciberTenebras t1_j93tgr3 wrote

The first and last episode of the old miniseries Centennial was just as long... even longer, actually when you add in commercials.


DiggyMcGriz t1_j95iwjd wrote

Pretty much before streaming, ALL (American) tv had to fit into some concept of a time slot. This was done for a variety of reasons, most importantly for syndication purposes.

But to get around it, TV shows would do mulitipart episodes. A lot of To Be Continueds.

Twin Peaks was not immune to this. It’s long eps were 90 minutes each which, conveniently, divides up to 45 minutes per half for broadcast purposes.

Anyway, once you open that box, all bets are off. Star Trek DS9 ended its run with a literal 10-parter.


james_carr9876 t1_j9765q4 wrote

Lost season 1 and 4 finales were were 129 and 127 minutes respectively.


anasui1 t1_j97e8xw wrote

I remember this WW2 miniserie from the early eighties that had incredibly long episodes, like I would fall asleep on the carpet under the table for two hours (was a lad at the time) and wake up with dad and mum still watching it. Winds of War is the name, I believe


Maninhartsford t1_j94vw0a wrote

The last 2 episodes of the season are actually (probably a coincidence) about the length of an 80s miniseries. Most had the typical 4 hour (with commercials) slot but some would have a 2 hour premiere and a 3 hour finale.


SoMantAltsLol t1_j93yl5u wrote

the last episode of game of thrones crams what should be like 8 months into 50 minutes
