Submitted by shadowdra126 t3_11dlf06 in television

I have been in the market for a binge worthy show and after trying and dropping several shows I am finally settling on watching LOST for the first time.

I do know vaguely how it ended as that was discussed constantly at the time of its airing and over the years you hear bits and pieces

But I have no context for the show at all other than they crash on an island and it’s got some sci fi elements to it.



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BurstSloth t1_ja9aye6 wrote

Lost is a very VERY good show to binge, definitely mysterious and interesting the whole way through


Spaghetti__Girl t1_ja9bfl3 wrote

I think most people don’t understand the ending so don’t be discouraged by what you’ve heard.


shadowdra126 OP t1_ja9bl54 wrote

That’s kind of what I keep telling myself.

I loved the leftovers and how it handed its mystery so I am gonna go in and by the end hopefully make my own choice. Or watch a million ending analysis videos afterwards


dmick74 t1_ja9dxj7 wrote

I loved the ending, but your assumption that people who didn’t like it also must not have understood is wrong. I’ve known people who liked it and who didn’t like it, but they all understood it. Such is life that people have different opinions about subjective pieces of art.


Cbomb101 t1_ja9dxq9 wrote

I really liked I think it was season 1 and 2. Or just the start was mad dog. It did drift of later on into crazyness tho but still not bad.


TimeTravelMishap t1_ja9e3ux wrote

I still say Fringe was his better show but Lost is still a damn good watch.


osho420k t1_ja9ec5h wrote

Dude, me too!! Just started it last week and already in season 6


Jessetagit t1_ja9ia69 wrote

As others have said, the show plays better now that you can binge it. I agree I think others didn’t understand the ending and I think it’s easier when you can binge the show instead of waiting week after week. The mysteries are great but you really fall in love with the characters.


timboslice420 t1_ja9nd0p wrote

Probably one of the best shows to binge. I would suggest giving a day in between seasons. There’s a lot to digest and fun to theorize on your own before diving into a new season.

Don’t worry about the ending or the dialogue around it, enjoy the stories surrounding the cast and the mysteries as they untangle.


Jack____Straw t1_ja9njmv wrote

Prolly actually the best television show in history.


celesticaxxz t1_ja9ns5m wrote

When you get to the end make sure you have enough tissue for your tears


Dismal-Past7785 t1_ja9orrl wrote

To this day you see people posting “what happened” in the finale and the show incorrectly. What they post directly conflicts with what is actual said in the finale and shows that they don’t understand the show. Anyone that understands the show and reads other people takes on the internet knows exactly what I’m talking about without looking at the spoiler text. I’m prepared to say that it’s the wrongest take of all wrong takes. I see supposed “media journalists” and reddit threads espousing this take to this day, and in my book it instantly discounts them from ever having an opinion worth reading. It is honestly mind boggling how these people get to their conclusion.

If you want to know their incorrect take: >!these people think they were dead all along and the island was purgatory. They outright tell you in the final episode that this is not the case, and the only instance of purgatory in the show is the season 6 flash-sideways realm. Everything else happened while they were alive.!<


sameguyontheweb t1_ja9sxqq wrote

Game of Thrones took the worst - pointless ending crown from Lost. Enjoy it, 20+ episode seasons. If you like it, there's lots for you.


heatproofmatt t1_ja9tr7r wrote

It’s not even the waiting week to week that was frustrating with lost. It was the fact that they kept fucking with the release schedule. It’s really hard to follow a show when they release three episodes then takes six weeks off release two more and then take another 13 weeks off. It was legitimately hard to keep up in a time where DVRs were available, but not adopted by the masses yet. Plus they would market recap episodes as being brand new. It’s a miracle it’s stayed as popular as it was.


Early-Eye-691 t1_ja9vgaf wrote

Easily one of my favorite shows ever. No other TV show has come close to capturing the sense of intrigue and mystery during those first 4 seasons.

It also alphas, in my opinion, the best ensemble cast to ever hit TV. Just outstanding character development.


DimitriCushion t1_ja9xxft wrote

I had a discussion with someone on here awhile ago who apparently was a huge fan of the show when it aired, but they hated the ending and had never gone back to it since. Only thing was that they had misunderstood the ending in the way that many people seem to have. After a back and forth on the subject they refused to accept what I was saying and put it down to "different interpretations", despite what the show explicitly spells out to the viewer. Incredibly frustrating. I've got no problem with anyone who disliked the ending, but I really don't get how so many people managed to misunderstand it when they basically have a character knock you over the head with exposition explaining everything.


freedraw t1_ja9yu42 wrote

It’s very bingeable, but I feel like half the fun of LOST was talking and theorizing about LOST with your friends and coworkers. It’s this whole element of the show new viewers just won’t be able to experience.


Digitalizing t1_jaa0up1 wrote

Considering how many fans of the show who watched it all intently, still to this day, don't understand the blatantly clear final season astounds me. There is actually a good chance you have no idea what the real ending is since it's incorrectly summarised a majority of the time.


Rare_Sea2102 t1_jaa5fej wrote

I'm going to Join you on this adventure. I too have never seen Lost, but heard from many sources it's a great show.

Happy binging!


360fov t1_jaa8s40 wrote

I watched it again after watching it when it was brand new. I'm amazed at how much I completely forgot..entire seasons it would seem. REALLY enjoyed it; one of the best binges you can undertake, with all the WTF moments etc..


360fov t1_jaa9em4 wrote

"Where did the polar bear come from??" ... that question came up so much in Uni and with friends. There's an insanely detailed video about Lost on youtube, like 3 hours long (plus some skits that the dude acts out) shines a light on just how huge Lost was, with one of the first ever podcasts, magazine covers, features on every late night talk show under the sun etc... and the Internet was really becoming a thing, so it was during the wild west of message boards / forums etc.. Great nostalgia.


J68- t1_jaa9l66 wrote

Not a chance. Spending a week coming up with theories was half the fun of the show. The only benefit to watching it now is not having to wait months between seasons.


broken_human t1_jaabihm wrote

As someone who was originally in love with this show -- up until the end that is -- I applaud you for watching it. But yes, there are a lot of great actors and excitement. You will be confused one minute and then elated the next. Up until the end. But it.


SurrealRaypissed t1_jaac3bl wrote

save your time. The ending makes absolutely no sense no matter how much horseshit explanations you read here you will be upset

I cant even give you any spoilers bc theres no there there. in the end you will know LESS than in episode 1

most overrated show of all time


Jessetagit t1_jaack2g wrote

I watched the show as it aired and rewatched the show on Hulu a couple years ago. I remember the theories and trying to figure out what happened and I think we just built it up more than it was. When I finished my rewatch everything that was important felt answered. There’s always gonna be some lose ends.


ProfGilligan t1_jaad7hi wrote

Umm, the polar bear explanation was strongly alluded to in early season 2, and all but confirmed (indirectly) during season 3, and spelled out explicitly in season 5. Many of the mysteries/questions were handled this way, so odds are you just missed them.


Repulsive-Feature-33 t1_jaaqe42 wrote

Man I wish I could relive those first couple seasons for the first time again


Dismal-Past7785 t1_jaarlkf wrote

>!Jacks dad (Christian) literally says “you’re dead now, but everything happened on the island while you were still alive, with these people, and it was the most important time of your life which is why you are now in the afterlife with them getting ready to move on”. It is mind boggling how people get from that to “island = purgatory”.!<

It just blows my mind that people don’t understand it. I just can’t figure it out. I remember watching it live in College, then talking the next day with people. To this day I think less of the people that thought >!island = purgatory!<.


Dismal-Past7785 t1_jaas710 wrote

They don’t spoon feed you the answers, but >!The polar bears were imported by the Dharma Initiative for their experiments with the electromagnetic energy. They used a variety of animals for this. At the start of season 3 Kate and Sawyer are kept in their bear cages before Sawyer is sent to work on Jacob’s desired runway, which the second plane lands on. They sent one back in time to the place where you chronologically first see adult Charlotte, digging in the desert for a collar. This is the same place Ben teleports to after moving the island. The polar bears escaped or were let free after the Others chemical attack on the Dharma Initiative.!<


SoulCruizer t1_jaash3s wrote

Lmao yeah it was answered though. Comments like these are just obnoxious. 95% of the questions were or have answers the problem usually stems from the show making something seem like a big mystery and it turning out to be a lot less mysterious. Like the explanation for the polar bears


Beard341 t1_jaauspx wrote

What I’d recommend is paying close attention to each and every character’s flashbacks. Not just to the stories themselves but the characters that appear. You’ll notice familiar faces the more you watch. Probably one of my favorite things about Lost.


hamdafarages t1_jaaxp1e wrote

Additionally, most people you see talking about the ending, didn’t even understand the final season, so make sure to watch it without preconceptions


ThatWasFred t1_jaaxvtv wrote

I watched it for the first time 2 years ago, knowing that the ending was super controversial and preparing for the inevitable downward spiral.

What I actually got was, like…a slight decrease in quality for the last couple seasons? But overall it was still quite compelling, it DID explain almost all of its mysteries despite what people say, and I liked the ending. Go figure. Maybe let OP experience it for themself.


ThatWasFred t1_jaaydwy wrote

Just throwing it out there that I actually liked the ending for the most part. You might too! It’s possible that the legend of its terrible ending is exaggerated. It’s also possible that the show holds up better when you’re binging it (because that’s also how I watched it). Or you might still hate it, who knows.


lighthandstoo t1_jab0nfw wrote

Play with your speakers set to loud! The soundtrack his amazing.


bros402 t1_jab4cdp wrote

hell yes

please update this thread as you watch


CheezStik t1_jab4k1j wrote

LOST is an interesting show in that the people who don’t like it turn incredibly bitter and rude in these threads

Like calm down, it’s a freaking TV show. Let others enjoy it lol


jblue212 t1_jab8jvu wrote

Funny to see this - I just started rewatching it after years of not seeing it (though this is not my first rewatch, probably 4th).


SMANDDC06 t1_jabc3wq wrote

Just watched it this past summer and Im glad I did. Its really good show. It was a struggle to get through the first 2 seasons cause I could not find a character I liked but I was really interested in the mystery part. Two episodes in season 3 changed that for me. I don’t understand how people hate the ending. I loved it, cried like a baby. Might actually be my favorite ending to a show ever!


djkhan23 t1_jabixlu wrote

Great decision!

I wish I could watch Lost for the first time again.

I watch it every other year because I enjoy it that much.

And the ending is one of the best episodes of the series.


Khiva t1_jablgbb wrote

> I’m prepared to say that it’s the wrongest take of all wrong takes. I see supposed “media journalists” and reddit threads espousing this take to this day, and in my book it instantly discounts them from ever having an opinion worth reading

I mean I would have maybe gone with "the holocaust was awesome" or something on that level but sure, misunderstanding the ending of a TV show, I suppose that's pretty far up there.


manticorpse t1_jabox7u wrote

Turns out a lot of people aren't great at story analysis or like... the tv-watching equivalent of reading comprehension.

When Lost's finale first aired, I might have blamed the scattershot release schedule, or confused post-finale water-cooler conversations. Nowadays, I wonder if half the problem is that people are "watching" while dicking around on their phones.


SPECTER_Z3R0 t1_jabr477 wrote

I recommend you watch Dark (Netflix). 3 seasons, German show (dubbed and Dubbed in English) critically acclaimed. It's good start to end.


kugglaw t1_jabrbjm wrote

The ending is better than the memes etc will have you believe. Overall it’s an amazing tv show, and probably one of the best of its kind. Enjoy!


WowSoFetch t1_jac2tl5 wrote

truly some of the best episodes of television ever made. Also, a LOT of filler and non-sensical garbage too. All in all, well worth a watch but sadly, you can't quite get how big a show it was or appreciate how epic it was unless you were watching it live and involved with all the discussions surrounding it back then.


staedtler2018 t1_jac8nrz wrote

>I really don't get how so many people managed to misunderstand it when they basically have a character knock you over the head with exposition explaining everything.

I imagine that these people got lost somewhere around flash-forwards and time travel shenanigans and just didn't have a good grasp of anything that was going on by the time we got to the actual ending.


staedtler2018 t1_jac95ax wrote

The ending had plenty of solid reviews at the time.

It's just one of those things were 1) people who disliked it have been so loud about it that they created a myth that nobody likes it, and 2) online publications are incentivized to "go along" with this kind of thing even though many of them reviewed it positively.


GoNinjaGoNinjaGo69 t1_jacfmq1 wrote

and i bet the ending you think you know isnt even the correct one because so many, even to this day, get it completely wrong.


ruckl0890 t1_jacigpz wrote

Welcome to the club, there will be a sequence of 6 numbers that will now repeat in your head for the rest of your life


kirsclin t1_jacj2cq wrote

I recently got done a rewatch and it solidified for me this is the greatest tv show ever made. I am much more at peace with the ending than I was back in 2010. It's a great binge watch show. You won't have to wait weeks or months to find out what happened like we had to back then.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jacpjwb wrote

>Nowadays, I wonder if half the problem is that people are "watching" while dicking around on their phones.

That's almost certainly the issue a lot of the time. I recently learned that a friend of mine watches shows on a side TV that sits next to his main TV while he plays video games. People can do what they want but that is insane to me.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jacqaxf wrote

>I loved the ending, but your assumption that people who didn’t like it also must not have understood is wrong

In my experience, it's not an assumption at all. I've talked to multiple people about the ending of Lost and I've asked those that dismissed it as "bad" and "a waste of time" why they felt that way. They all gave a variation of the same answer, proving they didn't understand it.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jacr2z2 wrote

Exactly. Like, the ending is not some high concept, obtuse conclusion that you need a film degree to understand. It's pretty straightforward. It's crazy to me that people could watch 6 seasons of a show and then get upset by a clear ending that they somehow misinterpret as something completely different. What were they watching that entire time? I don't think of myself as a very intellectual person that has a higher understanding of things and I don't like accusing people who don't like something with "You just don't get it", but in this case, they simply didn't.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jacsf7q wrote

I think a lot of people had that theory in their head the whole time they were watching it and just refuse to accept that they were wrong. Kind of like a "See? I called it years ago!" attitude.

I'm with you though, I can't help but judge someone who watches a show for that long, is explicitly told in the finale what happened, and still completely misses the point. I had a coworker who fairly recently was going on about what a waste of time Lost was because the ending was so bad. I told him his interpretation of the ending was flat out wrong and why, but he wouldn't accept it.


Logical_Copy_8465 t1_jacyqfv wrote

I for one am not someone who shits on the ending although it could have been better. I think a larger portion of general audience will accept fantastical elements, especially when introduced early, compared to religious nonsense.

Partly the same reason Battlestar Galacticas ending isn't generally liked. For the majority of GoT I refused to believe the red lady's powers were anything to do with a God and were just random magic powers since in the real world its all just sky fairy bs. Why should I accept this other world fictional or based on ours has real gods


Logical_Copy_8465 t1_jad1p3y wrote

The guy trys to argue the last scene with Jack and the dog happens after the crash. As far as I remember the dog wasn't even present at the time of the crash and if it was it wasn't fully grown


Logical_Copy_8465 t1_jad2dud wrote

The final had ratings that hadn't been seen since early season 4. A lot of people had stopped watching and just came back to the last episode or two to,see how it ended. Unsurprisingly its not an easy final to understand as a standalone episode


DevilsAdhesive t1_jadjkma wrote

Part of this I think was due to the schedule that last season which ABC majorly dropped the ball on. You'd have 2 episodes, then 4 repeats, then a random new episode, then a break of 3 weeks. I think a lot of people missed the plot like this. Streaming wasn't a thing at the time (save for pirate streaming) so a lot of people couldn't catch up on what they missed.


ThatEvanFowler t1_jadq4m8 wrote

Yeah, a character literally explains that what they are saying is not the case in clear, plain English. Whatever. They can be wrong. I still think that it's a bummer that it probably drives away people who would love the show if not for having gleaned a mistaken impression of it, but I think I've hit my lifetime limit for arguing with text on a screen.


contrarian1970 t1_jadrhwy wrote

Gave up on LOST for the same reason as Game of Thrones...too much treachery, treason, secret alliances, and double crossing. I can take two hours of that but not 50 hours.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jaehviq wrote

>I still think that it's a bummer that it probably drives away people who would love the show if not for having gleaned a mistaken impression of it

It definitely does. I have a friend who I had been trying to convice for a while to watch Lost because I knew he would like it, but he kept saying "I heard it goes nowhere and in the end they don't answer anything". He finally caved and wound up loving it.