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Jessetagit t1_ja9ia69 wrote

As others have said, the show plays better now that you can binge it. I agree I think others didn’t understand the ending and I think it’s easier when you can binge the show instead of waiting week after week. The mysteries are great but you really fall in love with the characters.


freedraw t1_ja9yu42 wrote

It’s very bingeable, but I feel like half the fun of LOST was talking and theorizing about LOST with your friends and coworkers. It’s this whole element of the show new viewers just won’t be able to experience.


360fov t1_jaa9em4 wrote

"Where did the polar bear come from??" ... that question came up so much in Uni and with friends. There's an insanely detailed video about Lost on youtube, like 3 hours long (plus some skits that the dude acts out) shines a light on just how huge Lost was, with one of the first ever podcasts, magazine covers, features on every late night talk show under the sun etc... and the Internet was really becoming a thing, so it was during the wild west of message boards / forums etc.. Great nostalgia.


NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_jaamwyl wrote

Dharma was training the polar bears to man the island. That’s why it’s so cold in the cavern with the wheel. They needed an animal that could withstand it.


SurrealRaypissed t1_jaac8qq wrote

and i will add that was one of MANY questions that was never answered not even in the finale


ProfGilligan t1_jaad7hi wrote

Umm, the polar bear explanation was strongly alluded to in early season 2, and all but confirmed (indirectly) during season 3, and spelled out explicitly in season 5. Many of the mysteries/questions were handled this way, so odds are you just missed them.


EveryoneisOP3 t1_jaaivul wrote

The polar bear is explained multiple times. The finale has bigger things to address than the origin story of a random animal on the island.


SoulCruizer t1_jaash3s wrote

Lmao yeah it was answered though. Comments like these are just obnoxious. 95% of the questions were or have answers the problem usually stems from the show making something seem like a big mystery and it turning out to be a lot less mysterious. Like the explanation for the polar bears


Dismal-Past7785 t1_jaas710 wrote

They don’t spoon feed you the answers, but >!The polar bears were imported by the Dharma Initiative for their experiments with the electromagnetic energy. They used a variety of animals for this. At the start of season 3 Kate and Sawyer are kept in their bear cages before Sawyer is sent to work on Jacob’s desired runway, which the second plane lands on. They sent one back in time to the place where you chronologically first see adult Charlotte, digging in the desert for a collar. This is the same place Ben teleports to after moving the island. The polar bears escaped or were let free after the Others chemical attack on the Dharma Initiative.!<


bros402 t1_jab4gib wrote

That was such a great part of LOST


heatproofmatt t1_ja9tr7r wrote

It’s not even the waiting week to week that was frustrating with lost. It was the fact that they kept fucking with the release schedule. It’s really hard to follow a show when they release three episodes then takes six weeks off release two more and then take another 13 weeks off. It was legitimately hard to keep up in a time where DVRs were available, but not adopted by the masses yet. Plus they would market recap episodes as being brand new. It’s a miracle it’s stayed as popular as it was.


J68- t1_jaa9l66 wrote

Not a chance. Spending a week coming up with theories was half the fun of the show. The only benefit to watching it now is not having to wait months between seasons.


SoulCruizer t1_jaas4h5 wrote

I wouldn’t say the show is better now because you can bing it. It was a show made to be watched weekly and imo will leave a bigger mark if you take your time instead of binging.


SurrealRaypissed t1_jaac6is wrote

i understood the ending as it has been explained but it still makes no sense and ties up zero loose ends


Jessetagit t1_jaack2g wrote

I watched the show as it aired and rewatched the show on Hulu a couple years ago. I remember the theories and trying to figure out what happened and I think we just built it up more than it was. When I finished my rewatch everything that was important felt answered. There’s always gonna be some lose ends.


NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_jaanb9a wrote

So a magic traveling island with a smoke monster makes sense but not fatefully intertwined people having a shared purgatory?


Logical_Copy_8465 t1_jacyqfv wrote

I for one am not someone who shits on the ending although it could have been better. I think a larger portion of general audience will accept fantastical elements, especially when introduced early, compared to religious nonsense.

Partly the same reason Battlestar Galacticas ending isn't generally liked. For the majority of GoT I refused to believe the red lady's powers were anything to do with a God and were just random magic powers since in the real world its all just sky fairy bs. Why should I accept this other world fictional or based on ours has real gods