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HugeAnalBeads t1_j4wd8ee wrote

>educators still think homework is necessary as they wouldn’t be able to fit in all the critical material in a school year if students weren’t practicing at home

This isnt a case for homework. This is an example of a poor curriculum. Which is what I've said in every comment.


PilotMuji t1_j4wdq1n wrote

So you pick out one sentence out of everything I wrote. And then also argue against something that a link that YOU posted said.


HugeAnalBeads t1_j4we56j wrote

Dude I dont give a shit

You convinced me. Let the gimps do quadratic equations at night instead of socializing. Especially the ones with one parent that have way more responsibilities around the household. Fail those fucking kids they need to appreciate the extra 2 hours of homework after doing an entire 8 hour shift at school.

These dummies shouldve done their homework


PilotMuji t1_j4wf6us wrote

You don’t give a shit that your rebuttals fail to support your claims? Why did you even comment in the first place if not to convince others or at least have constructive debates?

Who says that we should ignore and fail students with such disadvantaged lives that they literally don’t have time to do homework? Do you think the solution is to abolish all homework for everyone, or handle these scenarios on an individual basis? At least from my anecdotal experience, there were programs and support resources that tried to target those specific individuals and other types of disadvantaged students.


HugeAnalBeads t1_j4wj2hs wrote

No I dont give a shit because I dont have a horse in the race. I'm just trying to advocate for children in single family homes who have more responsibilities than you did.

Imagine pushing this aggressively for little children to do more work after putting in an entire shift at school

Its fuckin bonkers. Kids are more depressed than they have ever been. Lets load those serfs up with more useless shit when they could be socializing and learning actual skills they will need in the future.


PilotMuji t1_j4wki0d wrote

What am I pushing aggressively? That we need to load up kids with unmanageable amounts of homework every day? All I've done is point out how your sources don't support your arguments. Why are you making up things that I haven't said, and made assumptions about my life that you can't possibly have known? Why am I being brought into the picture at all? My personal life is not relevant to this discussion.

Is it little children who are doing quadratic equations now? How old is a "little" child in your definition? If it's elementary school, your own source says that 6-8 year olds have about 22 minutes of homework per day. Those 6-8 year olds are definitely not doing quadratic equations.

Listen man, I'm all for reducing the amount of homework students get, sure. Keep advocating for children in single-parent families, more power and respect to you. But your arguments and sources are all over the place. Quite frankly, they don't form a coherent nor persuasive argument at all.


CharlySB t1_j4yfzc0 wrote

Maybe he should have done his homework when he was in school.