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tomistruth t1_j6b0j46 wrote

They have endured Russian propaganda for so long they are immune to bullshit.


Zeduca t1_j6d19zl wrote

USSR started 1914. GOP ?


Professional_Show918 t1_j6a7bmo wrote

Yet we seem to believe everything on the news here. Even Russians claim to not believe their news.


Zeduca t1_j6d1dxi wrote

But we chose only to believe Foxnews, nothing else.


Cranky0ldMan t1_j6bu24r wrote

Damn near impossible to translate any world language into Finnish.


cmVkZGl0 t1_j6bvwdr wrote

Do you have a reason why that is?


Zeduca t1_j6d12wc wrote

So your inability to translate your thoughts to Finnish is why you believe in fake news ?


mediandude t1_j6j7snr wrote

Finnic languages belong to the indo-uralic sprachbund.


colourlessgreen t1_j6d00ic wrote

Given that Finnish is a language, and given that humans speak Finnish, and given that native speakers of Finnish have no issue learning other human languages, this is demonstrably not true. Concepts between English and Finnish may not have 1-on-1 matches in terms of English Word A always corresponds to Finnish Word Z, but that is normal and expected.


CatalyticDragon t1_j6cnmoh wrote

It's not tricky you just need a few things: relative income equality, social stability, and mandatory media literacy classes.

It's just sad how rare that combination is.


dinoroo t1_j6cpdej wrote

Finland is a weird bird. The government told its people they were fat and unhealthy and that everyone needed to change their diet and they did and health in the country greatly improved.

If you tried to do that in America people would protest because fat is freedom.


colourlessgreen t1_j6d0msx wrote

It was a lot more than that -- this was achieved through concentrated effort by Finnish government:

> According to sports and health experts, it is one of only two countries to have halted the downward spiral towards terminal couch potatoism, or sedentary inactivity to use the official parlance. Only Canada, though New Zealand may be a contender, can claim to have done as much to get people off their sofas and exercising. [...]

> Topping the league of death shocked the government into a full-blown campaign to dramatically improve peoples' health. And it seems to have worked. [...] Having come so far, Finland now finds itself in the spotlight from health officials across the world who are desperate to find out what it was the Finns got so right. [...]

> "The biggest innovation was massive community-based intervention. We tried to change entire communities, "says Puska. Instead of a mass campaign telling people what not to do, officials blitzed the population with positive incentives. Villages held "quit and win" competitions for smokers, where those who didn't spark up for a month won prizes. Entire towns were set against each other in cholesterol-cutting showdowns. "We would go in, measure everyone's cholesterol, then go back two months later, "says Puska. The towns that cut cholesterol the most would win a collective prize. "We didn't tell people how to cut cholesterol, they knew that. It wasn't education they needed, it was motivation. They needed to do it for themselves. "

> Local competitions were combined with sweeping nationwide changes in legislation. All forms of tobacco advertising were banned outright. Farmers were all but forced to produce low-fat milk or grow a new variety of oilseed rape bred just for the region that would make domestic vegetable oil widely available for the first time. Previously, farmers had been paid for meat and dairy on the basis of the product's fat content. The changes recognised the flaw and linked payment instead to how much protein the produce contained.

> Often, moves were attacked for being unpatriotic. Finland was a dairy-rich country and marginalising dairy farmers was viewed with disdain by many. But there were ways around the protests. When officials said the population must start eating fruit, protests poured in that fruit would have to be imported. To placate the farmers, the scheme was revised to encourage the growing of berries that thrive in a Baltic climate. Now Finland has a healthy industry producing all manner of berries, from redcurrants to blackberries.

> In time, the Finnish authorities succeeded in forcing down salt intake, a crucial move for cutting blood pressure, and blood cholesterol has fallen along with fat intake and smoking. In 1972, more than half the middle-aged men of North Karelia smoked. Now around 30% do and the country boasts one of the lowest smoking rates in the world, despite having not yet fully imposed its stringent anti-smoking laws.

> Recognizing that most of the factors that influence child and adolescent health lie outside the health sector, Finland is taking a Health in All Policies approach in its Health Care Act by directing cities, like Seinäjoki, to incorporate health into all of their decision-making areas.

> “The Government has reformed the Health Care Act to mandate health promotion services and require municipalities to involve all sectors in their plans,” explains Marjaana Pelkonen, Ministerial Advisor, Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

> Seinäjoki and other municipalities are providing free health care counselling and health examinations of equal quality to all children and their families because of Government Decree 338 enacted under the Health Care Act in 2011. Without the decree, many municipalities would have lacked the resources to hire additional public health nurses and physicians to support their programmes to improve child health.

> The National Institute of Health and Welfare, under the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, is helping municipalities implement national policies, like the Health Care Act. Municipalities can regularly track their progress on national monitoring websites, share best practices and attend trainings on implementing legislation through a Health In All Policies approach.


professorDissociate t1_j6efp3f wrote

Damn, there were parts of that that made me want to cry with some kind of joy. Nice for them to have such a deliberately wholehearted government.


Zeduca t1_j6d0ogy wrote

Whoever tell people to lose weight are propagandists from big pharmas to sell diet pills.


loolem t1_j6cjcg6 wrote

They’re also one of the most well educated societies in the world. What a coincidence.


Zeduca t1_j6d0s19 wrote

But that’s brainwashing from book publishers !


loolem t1_j6d2gmv wrote

Haha yeah man big publishing


Zeduca t1_j6dcmna wrote

When there is news about diseases, it is always pharmaceuticals conspiracy to sell drugs, there is no other excuse for people wanting better education!


loolem t1_j6ddbsb wrote

hahaha yep there is only one reason. you're right simple answer is always true answer


BlackRadius360 t1_j6d15by wrote

I think it's just cultural. Finland is also pretty homogeneous.


HeavensCriedBlood t1_j6bzwl6 wrote

That's because they actually have brains over there where here we have the highest number of adults that believe angels exist.


Zeduca t1_j6d0gv7 wrote

A good school system ?


Arodg25 t1_j6eorgd wrote

Probably the most prestigious thing someone can say about your country.


antsinmypants3 t1_j6ey2hr wrote

I wish Americans were not as dumb about it. FOX RT with his traitorness, Tucker, on Putin’s payroll, Carlson.


evil_burrito t1_j6fbxt1 wrote

Finland's resistance is not limited to fake news.


ptcounterpt t1_j6c3xnp wrote

That’s because Republicans can’t speak the language.