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arun_adk2121 t1_j3wq75l wrote

It’s not a recession until the tech industry starts firing people.


Youvebeeneloned t1_j3zafsf wrote

Not even remotely accurate. During the 2007 recession the tech market was largely untouched and actually hiring workers. It was the financial, auto, and housing markets hardest hit.


dungone t1_j4033nu wrote

This company doesn't seem like a tech company.


DramaticDiscussion33 t1_j48y4x8 wrote

Let me guess: But Zynga and Twitter Are tech companies? LMAO


dungone t1_j4901j0 wrote

Does Zynga or Twitter make their money on enterprise sales?

Informatica laid off a bunch of workers because it was cheaper to buy cloud services (from a tech company). This is typical enterprise IT cost cutting, it is the sort of thing that happens at every corporation.