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Much_Writing_7575 t1_j6bvu4t wrote

Yes, Microsoft wants everyone to throw out their computers and buy new ones that they can control.

Their plan is to make Windows into a slot machine where you can't get anything done without putting in your credit card and letting them nickel and dime you for every single action.

They'll give you the OS for free but then every time you try to do something there will be a different charge for it.

Total integration of OneDrive into their OS is a key part of this strategy. Their goal is to make storing data locally frustrating and nearly impossible. That's why right now it takes six steps to get to a local storage location in any Office location to save a file.

Then eventually they intend to eliminate the ability to store data locally altogether so that if you fail to pay they can hold your data for ransom until you cough up.


rastilin t1_j6ipc8g wrote

I don't get why you're being downvoted, you're spot on. Microsoft will make using local files and locally installed software progressively more frustrating in favor of cloud services. That's the plan, and TPM will become a DRM system that will be used to enforce that.