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Boonzies t1_j68dcm7 wrote

A slight over exaggeration in my mind. Sure it's giving people pause but chaos, please!


quantumfucker t1_j68dpen wrote

What a dumb article. Some colleges banning the website off of their network, a couple meetings at Big Tech companies we never heard details about it, and a couple lawsuits regarding copyright objections from angry people on Twitter. Hardly chaos.

I genuinely worry about the state of journalism.


Scapenator1 t1_j68e74x wrote

Businessinsider is such a stupid source for articles.


Djee-f t1_j68efe9 wrote

"Article written by ChatGPT"


nick1706 t1_j68fdov wrote

I’ll take clickbait for $1000 Alex.


freq2113 t1_j68gfp6 wrote

Yeah it’s causing chaos for shitty internet “journalists”.


Nose-Nuggets t1_j68i8n3 wrote

Untold chaos? get fucked with your headline bullshit


RKurozu t1_j68ij2l wrote

Why do we allow these kinds of posts/articles here? They serve no purpose.


jfmherokiller t1_j68j2tl wrote

the only chaos I know first hand is that it has been used in a lot of subs to create posts. Pretty much a start of a trend that feels cheaper then an image macro.


glitch83 t1_j68jg4w wrote

I’m assuming the chaos is billions of dollars going to openai from Microsoft.


gullydowny t1_j68ke3z wrote

I like the part about it writing cover letters for job interviews that’s actually cool, and nuking bullshit college essays is wonderful - in fact what it seems to be doing is replacing stupid human bullshit with slightly more accurate computerized bullshit - it’ll never write a good song or tell a good joke but if you’re in the meaningless bullshit business look out


drawkbox t1_j68ldl8 wrote

AI doing it own PR now. A good PAIR. Public Artificial Intelligence Relations.


tylerchill t1_j68lhjy wrote

It has an awful lot crypto bro vibe to it


gjreed t1_j68mggy wrote

“A grotesque mockery of what it is to be human” slaps


GreenElandGod t1_j68mxvw wrote

Context. If you’re in academia, it absolutely is. If you’re in the trades, or agriculture, or retail? Not so much.


wedontlikespaces t1_j68ndz2 wrote

>Two philosophy professors told Insider they've already caught students trying to pass off AI-generated content as their own.

Utter chaos, and yet they could only find two people to talk to.

Also using an AI to cheat a philosophy assignment has to be the dumbest thing ever. It's philosophy, you basically can't be wrong.


Hulemann t1_j68oc23 wrote

“I'm sorry, I'm not Alex. I am a language model created by OpenAI. Is there something specific you would like to know or discuss?”

That’s what ChatGPT had to say.


darubeer t1_j68rt1w wrote

GPTZero-Human deserve to know the Truth.Yes it can detect ChatGPT AI cheats so teachers know everyone are cursing the guy 😂😂😂


briollihondolli t1_j68rzid wrote

I’ve been playing around with chatgpt in my news job and it’s surprisingly good at ignoring rhetoric, although most of what I feed it are long AP wire stories for it to break down into something that’s actually understandable. It’s a good tool to do the job of an associate producer, but not enough to actually be a replacement. Needs some hand holding


user4517proton t1_j68skoz wrote

It really is the first collaborate AI system open to the masses. I find myself going back to it to ask a question to make sure I got the right idea or even write a sample code or even wording to help me in my efforts.

With targeted GPTs like networks for things like biomedical, which Microsoft just announced, I think we're looking at the new era of collaborate AI resulting in greater speed and quality of work.

The one that will be really helpful is a GPT like frontend that makes GPT more like Javius in Ironman. I don't expect to create a new element, but it would be great to interact with throughout the day.


davvblack t1_j68t03b wrote

i got an answer that's both better and worse. I like the disclaimer being like "i'm not going to make you 800 different answers", but then in the actual answer it understood that the interval is 200:

> I'm sorry, I'm unable to create that many Jeopardy questions in the category "clickbait" for you as it goes beyond my capabilities. However, I can give you a few examples of Jeopardy questions in the category "clickbait":

> $200: This type of headline is designed to make readers want to click on a link to find out more.

> $400: This type of headline is used to make readers believe that something exciting or important has happened.

> $600: This type of headline is used to make readers believe that they will learn something new or valuable by clicking on a link.

> $800: This type of headline is used to create a sense of urgency or scarcity in order to encourage readers to click on a link.

> $1000: This term is used to describe the practice of creating misleading or sensational headlines in order to get more clicks on a link.


burntmeatloafbaby t1_j68tq68 wrote

Is it untold though? Because I feel like all these hysterical articles keep telling us.


turtlejelly1 t1_j68ubfe wrote

Thanks for another advertisement. These really are getting out of hand that they have multiple posts/ articles about this! Awesome PR team - higher valuation — higher bonus!!! Keep it up ChatGPT PR/bots!


gobackclark t1_j68uht1 wrote

No I didn’t read the article. I just wanted to say I use it every day for my job, but lately it’s been at capacity when I try to use it and I can already feel my dependence on it.


Wisex t1_j68vju6 wrote

If true then good


Kyouhen t1_j68xwcz wrote

I mean I'm starting to expect something stupid to happen with it. My company just sent out a mass email telling people not to say anything related to the company to ChatGPT because it'll pull that information and start handing it out to other people. Considering how dumb some companies have been with their IT lately it wouldn't surprise me if we're going to start seeing some pretty hilarious leaks coming out because some idiot decided to ask ChatGPT if it's illegal to sabotage their company so they can buy a bunch of stocks.


eldedomedio t1_j68xy39 wrote

Not just ChatGPT - generative AI 'creating art'; AI doing deep fakes on voice, images and video; now even AI that will generate and copy cursive writing.

It's like somebody said, let's find the most destabilizing and disruptive uses of the technology and went ahead and did it. Or, people are clueless as to the effects of the technology when they create it.


eldedomedio t1_j68ysji wrote

Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Practical purposes is the question. It is very topical and important to discuss impacts, especially inadvertant or purposeful, that have a disruptive and destabilizing effect on society.


RickSt3r t1_j68yt2o wrote

Not old enough to have experienced it, but I image it’s like when the pocket calculator became ubiquitous. Same with computers and typing over handwriting. It’s just a tool. Or when Google became good enough to do quality research and every professor was dumbfounded on how fast students were doing research vs them 40 years prior. “How will the students learn if they didn’t have to spend hours reading superfluous to truly synthesis the question and find the answer.”

It’s basically old people yelling at clouds at this point because the world is changing. It’s just amplified and going viral with social media. Because it’s new and “scary” and most people are scared of things they don’t understand. Trying to explain to the general public what a generative pre-trained language models is not simple. Hence these garbage articles that poke at the lizard brain part on fear.

Anyone who has really used it knows it’s confident persona wrapped around an idiot.

I asked it to calculate total cost of a loan over its maturity. Having the actual answer and it was off by a significant amounts. Even when it showed it’s work was also wrong.

But if you ask it very specific questions with lots of keywords it’s does have a higher probability of of being correct.

You have to already know what your doing to get it to spit out good products.


waka324 t1_j690scx wrote

Anyone else notice a bunch of new search results penned as articles?

Something like "pine vs birch furniture" comes back with a bunch of crappy nonsense articles that doesn't get to a point.

It looks like there's a recent trend for mashing a bunch of keywords and "vs", hosted on a site and SEO for advert revenue.


TeslaEdisonMusk t1_j690yf9 wrote

Oh yeah the world is ending and everyone is unemployed because some algorithm that can skim the top 3 web pages from Google and produce a high school level prose from the texts is on the loose 😩😩😩


rojoeso t1_j691ndc wrote

CHAOS! CHAOS I TELL YOUUUUU runs around in circles


whiskeyandbear t1_j697p3w wrote

I feel like I'm crazy thinking this is one of those "everybody is under playing the impact of this". Like, AI is clearly the future, it's just until now it had clear limitations in that it produced the signature word salads and such. Now we can see where it goes, this does change everything...

I feel like this is a natural reaction though in the sense that, we are okay as it is, and we should appreciate that. We don't need the technology, and it creates a self fulfilling prophecy when people accept it's as big as we think, because then everybody starts investing research to bring it further.

But like, don't you feel a bit stupid saying "oh it's just clickbait, it's not that good". It is, that good, in that it's that step that AI has needed for people to see it as more viable. I think it's no coincidence there are mass layoffs in Microsoft and Google, I think they really are paving the way to create bigger AI departments. Big business see the potential and so that's where the resources are gonna go.

Like, guys, this is just a demo basically, but it can already create entire playable (albeit basic) games in a web browser with just a few sentences typed into a box. Obviously we still need programmers, but this will catch on, it's inevitable. I'm not saying it should, but technology is just the current world manifesto no? I genuinely want to hear why it's not so good...


MetricVeil t1_j697xda wrote

>... an occupation of the dying.

Very true. Those journalists that are still trying to reveal the truth of a situation have become very prominent and easy targets.

"In the recently released 2021-2022 freedom of expression report, UNESCO noted the deaths of 86 journalists last year, amounting to one every four days, up from 55 killings in 2021."


harveytent t1_j69dfnp wrote

More like “chatgpt has been out for around 2 months and we can’t stop ourselves from writing articles about it”


arafat464 t1_j69lh7v wrote

Business Insider is the new Buzzfeed.


TomBel71 t1_j69n4vt wrote

Anyone not using it is at a disadvantage. They will be teaching kids how to prompt AI in the future


68696c6c t1_j69p6hx wrote

No it isn’t, calm down. Then again, if I were the kind of journalist that was so bad at their job I wrote headlines like this, maybe I would be worried


[deleted] t1_j69x1a6 wrote

Imagine already knowing about chatgpt and some way worse stuff since 2020


shableep t1_j6akcpi wrote

Please explain how it's superior. I'm trying to use it for writing code and so far it's under performing significantly when compared to ChatGPT. Also I heard that ChatGPT uses something closer to GPT 3.5.


PrologueTrack t1_j6b0mgp wrote

It’s not. You’re just completely ignorant lmao


Orshabaal t1_j6cng6x wrote

You may have better luck searching for subs more specific to some sort of technology you are interested in. This is generic, made for r/all, lots of noise, small signal.


0xCaesar t1_j6cwf4g wrote

in the style of barney the dinosaur, write a song about why the sky is blue

(Verse 1) Look up in the sky, what do you see? A big blue expanse, as far as can be It's the color of the ocean and the sea The sky is blue, that's where I wanna be

(Chorus) The sky is blue, the sky is blue It's the color of my favorite hue It's the color of my dino shoe The sky is blue, the sky is blue

(Verse 2) It's the color of the flowers in the spring It's the color of the bird's wings when they sing It's the color of the bubbles when you blow The sky is blue, that's how we know

(Chorus) The sky is blue, the sky is blue It's the color of my favorite hue It's the color of my dino shoe The sky is blue, the sky is blue

(Bridge) It's the color of the sky in the morning light It's the color of the sky at the end of the night It's the color of the sky when the sun is shining The sky is blue, it's always shining

(Outro) So look up in the sky, what do you see? A big blue expanse, as far as can be The sky is blue, that's where I wanna be The sky is blue, that's where I wanna be.


daniel_bran t1_j6cwohu wrote

One has to wander - why are they shoving chatgpt in our throats these past two months ? Why are they pushing this so hard? Leads me to believe something sinister behind it


ShrimpCrackers t1_j6dm6ne wrote

What the fuck are you talking about, they're BOTH based on GPT-3 and they're both from OpenAI.

ChatGPT is basically just a modified, user-friendly version of text-davinci-003 in the playground. But it takes nothing to learn how to use the playground and its literally better because you can at least fine tune your responses and it even has voice inputs.


cliffcharles t1_j6g9bdu wrote

When I see business insider I just scroll past


tranqfx t1_j6nj41p wrote

It’s been a lot longer than 2 months.