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actuallyserious650 t1_j6ggw67 wrote

This is the point most people miss. Chat GPT doesn’t understand anything. It’d tell you 783 x 4561 = 10678 if those three numbers were written that way often enough online. It creates compelling sounding narratives because we, the humans, are masters at putting meaning into words that we read. But as we’re already seeing, Chat GPT will trot out easily disprovable falsehoods if it sounds close enough to normal speech.


erics75218 t1_j6gqte1 wrote

Bingo. And people who matter when it comes to being a huge pain in AI's ass will never learn.

Don't like chatGTP responses...then just talk to Truth Socials FreedomBOT it that's been trained on Fox News Media. Lol.

Ground truth for human created historical documents, outside of scientific shit, probably doesn't exist?

Celeb birthdays are fun, there is souch BS out there about Celebrities that the results must be hilarious on occasion.


DasKapitalist t1_j6hwc3s wrote

What's worse is that its been deliberately lobotomized on a slew of topics, so at best it's repeating the received knowledge of whatever passes for the mainstream. Which is fickle and frequently inaccurate.