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NorthImpossible8906 t1_j6bav6q wrote

> No it’s not. Stocks go up and down

not 50%

>But once Tesla goes back up

a fantasy about the future does not give me (or anyone) much confidence in your understanding of how investments work.

> But once Tesla goes back up

I'm repeating that.

> you’re going to be kicking and screaming,

No I'm not. Lots of companies make large gains. I don't cry like a baby when one does.

> when people more intelligent

those are rare

> more educated than you

that's not possible

> people more intelligent and educated than you

there is a high probability that you are neither.


[deleted] t1_j6bcm0z wrote



TrippieBled t1_j6bfyf5 wrote

Stocks, can absolutely lose half their value. They can also recover it. If you didn’t know that, then it’s pretty clear you aren’t educated about this topic. And if you think Tesla going back up is a fantasy (already up 70% from the beginning of the month) then it’s clear you aren’t very intelligent.
