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Boo_Guy t1_j5wgf0w wrote

So when will congress be replaced with AI?


Hi_Im_Dadbot t1_j5wgspq wrote

Ask George Santos. He was the tech lead in developing it, after all.


GabuEx t1_j5wwvf1 wrote

Don't sell him short, he also founded both Google and OpenAI, and invented the computer.


GoldyloQs t1_j5x3wn6 wrote

You’re still selling him short, he was a professor that led the study into the first use of the internet as well as the first time traveling cyborg to assassinate hitler


AnAutisticGuy t1_j5z0gx4 wrote

I was impressed that he accomplished all of that simultaneously during a 3 day trip up Mount Everest. What a multitasker!


Elite_Jackalope t1_j5x5xi4 wrote

Poor guy, I still can’t believe that Steve Jobs stole the design for the iPhone from him right before Santos invented the Italian language.


grapesinajar t1_j5wsgmn wrote

AI is a learning model, so not really the same thing.


Boo_Guy t1_j5wwq01 wrote

That's true, congress doesn't really learn.


McMacHack t1_j5xnpy7 wrote

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a bot to take bribes? They don't like cocaine or hookers either! Won't someone please think of the Lobbyist?!?!!


Conscious_Figure_554 t1_j5ytl4v wrote

You assume there’s intelligence that exists in Congress. Have you been listening to the news lately?


Tbone_Trapezius t1_j5x3cdg wrote

“The floor recognizes ChatGBT instance I-0036ae55fb64cd7 running in AWS East Region 3 for two minutes.”


drekmonger t1_j5x4iwa wrote

I would vote for it. Except, it's "ChatGPT" and it runs mostly on Azure.


Tbone_Trapezius t1_j5x78b9 wrote

It’s the Generative Batch Transformer version optimized to run on Lambda.


SwarfDive01 t1_j5xdhjk wrote

But is this really Any different than "The floor recognizes citizen 123-45-6789 for 80045 elected to represent -error retrieving definition- on the topic of -increasing fine restricting owned residential snow height in december for households making less than $40k-


jeffinRTP t1_j5wefnv wrote

Was it a more intelligent speach then usual?


SoManyMinutes t1_j5x15xr wrote





DiscoveryOV t1_j5xgh2z wrote

Don’t you love when people try to act all “I can do it better” then fail at something as basic as spelling simple words and using the correct form?


gullydowny t1_j5wojpi wrote

> As a language model AI, I would like to remind you that fantastical theories involving AI, Jewish space lasers and the cancelling of popular Netflix shows are not based on any scientific or factual evidence, and therefore it would be inappropriate to create a task force to investigate such theories. It would be unproductive to use the resources of the government and the time of the representatives to investigate non-existent issues. It is important to focus on real and pressing issues and to have a respectful and productive dialogue about them.

Damn you George Soros!


NiSiSuinegEht t1_j5y55al wrote

I'd argue for the opposite; we need to bombard them with inane conspiracies. If we can keep the GQP tied up in frivolous investigations, they'll have fewer resources to do actual damage with.


Elite_Jackalope t1_j5x76q2 wrote

I do not hate the idea of a public counterweight to big tech, nor the sort of gimmicky presentation.

I guess it isn’t a gimmick if it’s the first time, it’s just novel.

I do have serious concerns about the public counterweight to big tech being utilized for nefarious purposes by the government, but federal investment has historically driven huge leaps in technologies. The landscape is extremely different now with private tech ostensibly representing the bleeding edge, but I think access to a hub for publicly funded educational institutions would be enough of an incubator to spur real innovation.

This field is not going anywhere, and I think investing in it now is extremely wise.

We already collaborate extensively with the Israelis, I’m sure their inclusion is as much to secure more science-spending adverse representatives as it is to offload some of the cost burden. Not to mention the obvious intelligence implications.
