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Top_Bodybuilder_4912 t1_j46cz12 wrote

I agree. Touch screens on laptops are kinda eh... And the thing is, this has been known about for some time. They experimented with this back in the 1980s and found that it's actually quite physically stressful to have a hand elevated for any length of time. The keyboard/mouse interface means your arms are rested on a surface. Lifting your arm continually to touch something on your screen gets tiresome.


What I want is an iPad and MacBook in one purchase. I want a MacBook that works like a laptop but I can pivot the screen 180, close the keyboard interface, and make it an iPad.


I like having a laptop for when I work on the go, but I could use an iPad for casual browsing and whatnot. I'd happily pay a premium to have both of these in something I can take almost anywhere with me. Maybe this is a step in that direction? I hope so.