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PM_ME_C_CODE t1_j5vx545 wrote

Wow...this is all reposted verbatim from the last time this article was posted.

This top post, ruiner8850's post, Amazingawesomator's post...I swear I've read them all before exactly as they are.


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j5w3dfo wrote


I've seen bots reply to me with my own comments from downt thread before.

But I doubt they have time machines...

More likely this story has been going on for well over a year now, and people post similar summaries


-newlife t1_j5wa8dk wrote

It also doesn’t detract from the discussion. I’d go so far as to point out it was helpful, unlike a “this was said before” reply.


Arandmoor t1_j5xdqbi wrote

No. I mean "word for word" the comments are the same. I swear.
