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jtmarshiii t1_j1ueqtp wrote

Semi Chargers? Has one of these been built? Thing I read on them that they would need there own electrical substation to supply he power the require.


thatmikeguy t1_j1urm82 wrote

They had a delivery video for Pepsi I just viewed again. I also see a video breaking down the average substation math, but this video for Pepsi also shows 500 miles, so that would be multiplied by 4 to achieve the same miles as other semi 2000 miles, so 4x the charging time over 4 units for the same loads if the batteries do not weigh any more than the standard semi engine and tank in order to haul the same amount of allowable weight on the roads? It said these new chargers were for both the Semi and Cybertruck, but if so I do not understand if it's charging time savings, additional load, or why on the Cybertruck?


jtmarshiii t1_j1uuy4j wrote

You may want to check up on the battery weights there compared to the engine and you can include fuel (fuel gets lighter as truck consumes the fuel).

I’m 100% on with EVs but ev long haul won’t be there in a while. I think hydrogen for trains, ships and trucks are the way to go. But we’ll need a ton of energy. I say nukes run at full power and with wind and solar any extra is spent creating hydrogen for long haul.


jtmarshiii t1_j1uv3rb wrote

Pepsi said 500 mile hauling lighter things like chips. Soda will be limited to 100 miles… not great.