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divinitia t1_j26gwko wrote

>Thankfully, there are plenty of strong willed people who were able to resist the outrageous pressure to be repeatedly injected with an experimental drug. You can call us "the control group," which is important in any long term experiment.

And dropping like flies.

>And thankfully, there are doctors out there brave enough to take the heat and actually promote treatments, especially early treatments. For example, much of the Zelenko and FLCCC protocols involve vitamins and supplements. When's the last time your government clamped down on people taking vitamin C and D, for example? Zinc? How many generations of Americans took zinc losenges when they had a sore throat? Quercetin? And don't get me started on the vilification of HCQ and Ivermectin, both provably safe drugs administered world wide. But your government did its best to suppress those drugs, despite many doctors getting good results with them on covid patients.

Yes, you're right, there are plenty of doctors willing to make a quick buck off you by feeding you fake miracle drugs like ivermectin (that doesn't work). I heard there's a new one coming out made of this oil they make out of snakes, make sure you get on that.

>Can you remember any time when your government actively tried to keep provably safe medicines from people? Off label prescriptions are commonplace, but apparently, not acceptable with covid. Why? What happened to, medical decisions should be between you and your doctor, not you and the insurance company, or you and the government (or you and Pfizer)?

I think now I have to ask what country are we talking about? In the US nothing has been restricted. I can go to a store and by ivermectin (well, the dog doses, but that was always the case). I can go to a store and buy vitamin c and vitamin d and zinc. Is this different in your country?

Also does it ever get tiring larping as the action hero in some James Bond ripoff