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blade944 t1_j265mii wrote

No. We do know it was the best available at the time because the best people in the field told us so. If a thousand epidemiologists say one thing and one chiropractor on YouTube says another you can safely ignore the chiropractor. The entire point is that organized groups put it in people’s heads, you included, that somehow the experts were wrong, or deliberately fucking us over, and that somehow some fringe crackpots had all the answers. What you do t realize is that you are a victim of these misinformation campaigns and you are still doing their dirty work for them.


Snorkle25 t1_j26828d wrote

Because we didn't have a natural consensus derived from data presented by thousands of experts. We had talking points from a very few select government institutions that was sold as if it had come from thousands of experts.

And the way we know this didn't come from thousands of experts is very clear. There was no large body of scholarly work on which they pointed to any of this information. To the opposite, most of the time we were not provided any evidence, just opinion.

For there to be thousands and thousands of experts to come to a conclusion on something new and novel it takes time and lots of work, and not just from epidemiology. Also biology, medicine, virology, data science and a dozen other inter-related fields.

All you are doing is furthering the propaganda of manufactured consent. And I'm done talking with a peddler of sophistry.