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nova9001 t1_j1d4vyn wrote

Last quarter profit is $4.3bn. $725m settlement is a joke. I am sure they are going to stop doing it.


culturedgoat t1_j1d7dig wrote

They were also fined $5B by the FTC and have independent auditors installed to police data security on the third-party app platform. The kind of data that CA was requesting via their app literally can’t be accessed now. Large swathes of the API functionality was shut down.


nova9001 t1_j1db77g wrote

No issue as long as they share the data with NSA. Who knows what's going on behind closed doors.


culturedgoat t1_j1dbpv2 wrote

The developer platform (which is what CA used to build an app to harvest data) is open though, so you can literally verify first-hand what user data is available to third-party apps. It wouldn’t be possible now to perform data-collection on the scale that Cambridge Analytica did. You can test this directly.


SimbaOnSteroids t1_j1f3azb wrote

Just because an API isn’t publicly facing doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


culturedgoat t1_j1f4jkg wrote

Not sure what point you’re trying to make? The Cambridge Analytica data collection was all done via public APIs.


SimbaOnSteroids t1_j1f4pjs wrote

The person you were replying to was implying the NSA (other alphabet soup agencies) have special access that’s not listed in their public facing API’s.


culturedgoat t1_j1f579z wrote

What does that have to do with Cambridge Analytica?


SimbaOnSteroids t1_j1f830t wrote

Only that they’re likely committing the same gross ethics violations, but likely on a larger scale.


fwiw-info t1_j1dlwyc wrote

From my perspective, and what they've communicated publicly, privacy and user safety is a top concern at Meta. Pretty much every day we're scrutinizing and making decisions to keep user data private and safe.


basic_maddie t1_j1f4sby wrote

17% of profits is a pretty good deterrent if you ask me.


nova9001 t1_j1gmg5s wrote

17% of their quarterly profits is a good deterrent? My lord.....


basic_maddie t1_j1gmlb9 wrote

I overlooked the “quarter”, my bad. Annual would’ve been reasonable though


nova9001 t1_j1go5yt wrote

17% annual profits isn't good enough either. If they can make enough to cover that, they would do it again.


culturedgoat t1_j1gwda3 wrote

You’re talking like Facebook (now Meta) somehow benefited from Cambridge Analytica’s skullduggery. This was all done on the sly, through deception and misuse of public APIs, and the company didn’t even know what was going on until it was too late (which was a key aspect of the scandal). So I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you say they would “do it again”…