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JSSJeepin t1_j27zb9x wrote

> U.S. restrictions are now our new normal, and we're back to business as usual," Xu wrote in the letter that was addressed to staff and released to media.

It's bold of this article to assume they aren't just lying like they often do.


fisherbeam t1_j299qoa wrote

I think most of the U.S. publications understand that too much bad news about China means their parent company no longer gets access to the Chinese market.


eggshellcracking t1_j2ck7iq wrote

Huawei just pivoted to software (harmony OS is massive in EVs, China isn't making the same mistakes in EVs they made with phones) and kept expanding its 5g/6g/telecommunications business, while making money from licensing out the ridiculous amount of telecommunications patents it holds. The idea that huawei needs its cellphone business to survive or grow is just copium and delusion. Huawei took a heavy bodyblow in US sanctions but they're more or less fine and profitable now after years of heavy losses + expensive restructuring and pivoting.

UAE literally recently chose huawei 5g over f-35.


No_Bet_1687 t1_j2bulnu wrote

What! R u really saying the ccp and it’s corporate connected entities would lie?


chewbaklava t1_j2cegdc wrote

Huawei is an independent business


Salt-Shine5003 t1_j2ct6vz wrote

Nothing in China is an independent business.


chewbaklava t1_j2d9lwo wrote

That’s not true at all, that’s not how their economy works. There are both state run and independent businesses, but yes keep reading the guardian where government hacks tell you the real truth.


JamClam225 t1_j284vfr wrote

Like they often do? All Huawei have been talking about lately is trying to find a way to survive or they're going to go bankrupt. This is different from their usual doom and gloom tone.

Stereotyping is an ugly trait.


Gutotito t1_j27zia7 wrote

Chinese state media reports that Chinese state business is blah blah blah... Film at blah blah...


dotjazzz t1_j2czsgf wrote

What's that got anything to do with Huawei? ZTE is the one with significant state ownership, but not outright owned by the state like Datang.

Huawei may or may not have military ties, that doesn't make them a state business either way.


MysteriousAbroad7 t1_j29qax0 wrote

Ya because those sanctions were only for other countries to follow, America still supplies high tech stuff to China but only through exempted American owned companies, much to the disgust of the Europeans. ASML's CEO last week publicly blasted the US for stopping everyone else doing business with China but left a backdoor open for itself.


Devilsmark t1_j2ay2i0 wrote

ASML is being blackmailed into submission by the US.
Having a company in the EU not able to sell products because of American policy is alarming to the EU.


Thegloriouskeychain t1_j2csgbz wrote

ASML uses American ip in its products, that’s why we get a say in who they’re allowed to sell to.


Devilsmark t1_j2d0ijh wrote

Which should be a wake up call for the European Union.

What US is doing is strengthening China's R&D and scarring away everyone else from investing in US.


Thegloriouskeychain t1_j2dm0je wrote

The Chinese have invested billions and failed multiple times. We have no obligation to allow our technology to be exported to china never mind that them having to increase their r&d slows them down and let’s us increase the lead over them. If eu doesn’t like that then they are more than welcome to begin the process of removing American ip and replacing it with their own.


Devilsmark t1_j2e1233 wrote

The majority of the parts are not covered by US IP
The US will lose the most if it comes down to some kind of world-war-tech.

It's such a bad stance to have, "either you are with us or against us"


Thegloriouskeychain t1_j2e20tp wrote

Except asml uses enough American parts in its products or otherwise the export ban wouldn’t be in effect. And the eu won’t do shit about it, it would lose just as much if not more if they went the route of just stealing ip. And the bad stance to have is to standby and do nothing while china continues to become a greater threat.


Devilsmark t1_j2e2ys5 wrote

Except ASML has already shipped 23 lithography machines to China.

US is not holding that many IP's to stop ASML from shipping.This kind of Dunning-Kruger smack talk you are fronting with is not based in reality so drop it.


Thegloriouskeychain t1_j2e4sxb wrote

Us export bans are barely coming into effect and can affect any product that consists of at least a 25% American parts dipshit. Fucking idiot, do you think that these exports bans would be considered such a problem for asml if Washington didn’t have the leverage to enforce them. Fucking dive head first into a brick wall.


syzygyer t1_j28tmdq wrote

What if Huawei really survive the US sanctions?


Zeduca t1_j28wxlt wrote

Huawei will certainly survive. CCP can make 1.4B people as its captured market, with whatever phone Huawei can produce with its supply chain.


0wed12 t1_j29nbcw wrote

Not only 1.4B people , Huawei is still available in Europe, Asia and about everywhere outside of the usa


Zeduca t1_j29o7xw wrote

Huawei has captured market in Europe and Africa too?


0wed12 t1_j29oqus wrote

They had in 2019 and 2020, but lose the market to others Android phones such as Xiaomi or OnePlus.

What I mean with my initial comment is that they still can sell their phones freely in other parts of the world.


UsernameJonesHere t1_j2bzk4y wrote

Latin America too. They have a Huawei store in Mexico City that looks exactly like an Apple Store. It's crazy to walk in their and play around with their phones.


lasizoillo t1_j2bom4f wrote

África maybe, europe do what usa says.


UsernameJonesHere t1_j2bzcka wrote

EU nations buy a lot of Huawei telecom equipment (Germany is the largest client I believe)


dotjazzz t1_j2czxn5 wrote

Germany is now removing themselves from Europe or removed by you.


Glittering_Fun_7995 t1_j2ar738 wrote

what ppl seem to forget is that huawei is way more than phones it has a lot of patent in 5G/6G and further, routers/server technology they are going into africa and middle east


aisle36 t1_j2a4uf4 wrote

And who believes a word they say?? gtfo.


andytaisap t1_j2aat5v wrote

What were we expecting them to say ? To declare troubles to see their investors run away ?


YawaruSan t1_j2avngb wrote

I mean yeah, China by itself is a huge market, sanctions may slow their growth and give rival manufacturers an edge, but we can’t tank their business single-handedly, any business worth its salt will adapt to the market as is.


notbad2u t1_j2b4pk4 wrote

They have their own app store. Business as the new usual.


[deleted] t1_j27y730 wrote



[deleted] t1_j27yhtm wrote



yngi1r t1_j27zatd wrote

They don't make it, they license patents. That makes a lot of difference..


[deleted] t1_j27zh70 wrote



yngi1r t1_j2808h6 wrote

They article your linking is about a car they produce themselves. US government can't forbid that. The restrictions are for US manufacturers to use components from them to build devices. The restrictions don't apply for manufacturers from outside the US. Lamborghini, Porsche, Renault those are all European car brands.


false_cat_facts t1_j28u73j wrote

This is Chinese propaganda. It's amazing...


Reasonable_Weight_14 t1_j293mnf wrote

Taking Chinese propaganda at face value is the smart thing to do.


banme5lol t1_j2chqd4 wrote

Anything Chinese always lie. That’s Newton’s fifth law.


IceCubez101 t1_j2ck97y wrote

I can’t believe a single person in the western hemisphere, or anywhere for that matter, would ever support the actions of the CCP, and continue to support their economy. Europe and the other nations who were invited to join the sanction have single handedly failed the Uyghur Muslims AND the peace of the world. The continued success of the Chinese economy is helpful for the the Chinese government and the Chinese government only! Even the people of China will suffer, with some ethnicities already facing a continuously ignored genocide, in the fashion of the Nazi party of Germany.


[deleted] t1_j28t8na wrote



StatisticianFar7570 t1_j2aj7x5 wrote

All their space missions are fake....they just film a movie in chinese Hollywood and they sell it as the real thing

People Even believe their bridges are real ....or Even they built the bieggest Damm on earth...duh bro s just a maquette with a garden pump to Make the water move

They are not Even chinese people livin in china ....they pay Big dollar to black people with heavy Make up to Make em look asiátic

Second gdp in the World? ....My ass ...they are behind Morocco as for that matter...they just manipule te numbers with fake accountants ...yep...sure thing as the sun is hot

And don t get me started as the language they speak...yep u Guess it...not chinese at all....just a washed up versión of medieval vietnamese...

People so blind and brainwased these days


[deleted] t1_j2b3lb1 wrote



StatisticianFar7570 t1_j2b416r wrote

I m being dead serious here My man...china itself aint a's just a bakery...Big egoes u know...smoke selling and all

They hit a half ass succed mixing rice and wheat flour....but thats all they got

One trick pony


[deleted] t1_j2b4wei wrote



StatisticianFar7570 t1_j2b527p wrote

Iam saying they are all liesssssss

The dam..the bridges ..the space trips...the whole package


[deleted] t1_j2b5fvl wrote



StatisticianFar7570 t1_j2b5myo wrote

Aint money for turism...:(

One day, though, i put My feet in bucket with some water and i imagined i was on the beach....good old days