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tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24i6yc wrote

> Wages are NOT growing

over the past few decades total compensation has been going up.

>Americans have no spending money.

lol what, compared to who? Americans moreso than anyone else on earth have the most spending money. Maybe the swiss have more.

>Amazon, Meta

Their layoffs have been fat trimming of non essentials. unemployment for software engineers is 2.3%

We want companies to run as lean and as efficient as possible...that's a good thing.

>You can trace our current economic issues to GOP handling of the pandemic

Not really actually. Controlling for age deaths from covid are pretty equal, with some lockdowns states doing worse that states that didn't lock down. Dems controlling the white house would have been in the same shit position.....being the president lacks the power to enforce a national lockdown.