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Em_Adespoton t1_j1kn6vq wrote

I do find it telling that the only operating lithium mine in Canada is essentially owned and operated by a subsidiary of the Chinese government.


USNWoodWork t1_j1ktaxg wrote

I just bought some stock in Recharge Resources. Pretty sure they’re Canadian. They seem to have a couple of projects in Canada and one in Argentina.


i_write_bugz t1_j1m1uv0 wrote

From the article

> Canada is starting to take steps to limit China’s influence within the domestic supply chain. Earlier this month, Champagne said Canada will limit the involvement of foreign-owned state companies in the critical mineral sector, and a week later ordered three Chinese companies to sell their interests in small Canadian firms.

So it seems that won't be true for much longer


peterAqd t1_j1knx01 wrote

What, China doing questionable thing, given the green light by the government you say.


PM_FREE_HEALTHCARE t1_j1ky8a7 wrote

Let's not pretend that Canadian owned mining companies are not shady as fuck as well


9-11GaveMe5G t1_j1l8kvi wrote

Mining companies in general are complete assholes. Here in the US they like to creatively bankrupt the mining company and hide the money in related entities so the state gets stuck cleaning up the environmental damage on the taxpayers dime


AhmedF t1_j1me9uz wrote

Citation needed.


Em_Adespoton t1_j1mfm70 wrote

It’s in the article?

As someone else pointed out though, it has since changed hands and is now owned by an Australian group.


AhmedF t1_j1mj32v wrote

So why are you not editing/removing your wrong comment up?


Em_Adespoton t1_j1mwciz wrote

Because I let people down vote instead and add comments below. If I just remove it, context is lost.


AhmedF t1_j1n193w wrote

Your comment is doing nothing but spreading something untrue.

You can update your comment too - it's as simple as "EDIT: This is no longer true. See comment below."

Weird thing to double down on.


-Shoebill- t1_j1lsbt5 wrote

Not rare, my country barely owns anything in it including the media.


voxerly t1_j1o17aa wrote

Trudeau will fuck this up , don’t count on it


jugonewild t1_j1krg8v wrote

I would feel much better if Canada's resources were controlled by American companies. We would be able to help them benefit while also ensuring a strong raw material source for our country.


FeelMyGonorrhea t1_j1l78f6 wrote

That's a weird thing to say... but the largest stakeholder in Sayona is an American company.


MetalStorm01 t1_j1l2rvw wrote

Wait until you find out who has the fresh water and who wants the fresh water. Turns out lots of the US is pretty dry...


9-11GaveMe5G t1_j1l8p1s wrote

"I would feel much better if Canada's resources were controlled by American companies. We would be able to help them benefit while also ensuring a strong raw material source for our country."


hooverthemusicaldog t1_j1krxct wrote

So would every Canadian. I mean, ideally they would be Canadian companies, but let's be realistic. I think every Canadian would rather work with the USA than China on this one.


jugonewild t1_j1ks1xi wrote

Well we are helping convert their politicians over to our side, so it won't be too long before we are able to take control of those resources.


The_Bat_Voice t1_j1moc70 wrote

Hey, look, everyone! It's two ill-informed people talking to each other. What other outdated and stupid thing will they say next? Stay tuned to find out!