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InconsistentEffort20 t1_j18mav2 wrote

Its the standard across my entire country.

As for the volume, it probably isn't massive though as there are so many parts of the world where wood is far more abundant so just gets cut down.


radicalceleryjuice t1_j19erbh wrote

Ah, yes, I've heard good things about Scotland. You're doing a fair bit of re-wilding too, and lots of renewable energy, yes?

There are indeed signs of hope around the world. I want to see more of it!


InconsistentEffort20 t1_j19fb7y wrote

I mean this comes after pretty much every tree was felled hundreds of years ago to fuel the industrial revolution and ship building etc.

Hopefully the rest of the world learns before chopping down all their trees.


radicalceleryjuice t1_j19u2mp wrote

I very much want Canada to follow the bit about making things better, while avoiding the bit about letting things get really bad first :-/

There has been progress in Canada, but industry and government are a long way from really listening to the ecologists. I do think there are people in government and industry who care... and others who don't.

In Canada there are official standards, and a commission that checks every mining/extraction operation that might impact biodiversity etc... but the mining/extraction operations almost always get the green light because they promise jobs, and biodiversity keeps declining. Keystone species like the caribou are on the edge of endangered status. Meanwhile, studies show that those companies never create nearly as many jobs as they promise.

Seeing what is "officially" happening in Canada, and then reading the independent reports inspires me to have healthy scepticism about what industry/government presents to the public.


phloaty t1_j1dq21g wrote

Scotland was mostly forest 500 years ago. Sustainable is a relative term when 95% of the trees are already logged off.


InconsistentEffort20 t1_j1dqlr3 wrote


500 years ago was a very different time though. A lot of wood was needed for the witch burning etc.