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Spaceseeds t1_j1dh0zp wrote

Have you ever seen the Ted talk where the guy talks about how hybrids are way better than long range evs? I think you should educate yourself a bit more on the subject. It's not going to be one future or the other and we will benefit from all aspects of energy becoming more efficient and clean over time.

Also if you want to talk about lobbying preventing the next level of humanity complain about nuclear power being so fear mongered.


rjnd2828 t1_j1dl554 wrote

Oh wait, one guy says we should continue to use fossil fuels? Let me rethink my entire world view. Also I'm SURE Exxon Mobil really has our long term interests at heart, despite literally every piece of evidence to the contrary which shows they'll do absolutely anything to keep fossil fuels front and center


Spaceseeds t1_j1dolkq wrote

You didn't even scratch the surface of the argument. A hybrid is more energy efficient than a long range EV when you account for all the carbon it took to create the batteries in the long range EV.

Lithium is not what you think.

You sound like a child and a fool who won't look at the data presented. For anyone else interested, I have provided a link to the topic on discussion.. I'm sure this other fool will just shart diarrhea out of his mouth, so why don't you all be the judge for yourselves...


rob801 t1_j1dpfgu wrote

From the description of the exact video you linked to:

>This talk only reflects the speaker's personal views and interpretation. Several claims in this talk lack scientific support. We've flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers.


pantsattack t1_j1drtxy wrote

Moreover, both EVs and hybrids, despite being better for carbon release than conventional ICEs, are not enough to fix the problem. We need to build better public infrastructure and drastically reduce individual car ownership. Switching to more efficient cars is good, but it's effectively just kicking the can down the road. We need to overhaul the entire transportation industry.


Tearakan t1_j1dsws1 wrote

Yep. Continuing to rely on a car based system just asks for systematic failure when the cheap materials run out and they are running out.


rjnd2828 t1_j1dox3v wrote

Your insults really are making me want to listen to your Ted talk. You really know how to win hearts and minds.


DonManuel t1_j1dicmy wrote

It's funny how uneducated people always ask others to educate themselves.


Spaceseeds t1_j1djwa4 wrote

Funny how people with no response think they know more than someone who told them to educate themselves on a topic. Sorry you're not intellectual enough to educate yourself in the matters you speak of.


MyPacman t1_j1fnt1v wrote

> hybrids are way better than long range evs

Not in a country that sources its electricity from over 80% renewable energy. And not when it is more efficient to generate your electricity at a power station instead of a few thousand ICE engines.