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yubnubmcscrub t1_j1nwetl wrote

That’s not what he said. He said x box players don’t get them because Sony paid for them. Same way Nintendo games are only released on Nintendo consoles. Because they produce them.

Hell as an edit because it needs to be said. Microsoft only releases on multiplatform since Microsoft is in the computer industry and has been for 30-40 years. You know who hasn’t been creating operating systems for 30-40 years for computers? SONY AND NINTENDO. Also the only reason they are able to operate at a loss and operate as a platform through game pass is because they are a giant megacorp 20X the size of Sony. They thought they could buy their way into Japan in the 2000s and failed and had a much less popular system. So they fell behind. This they have to continue to throw money at it at a pace they know Sony and Nintendo can’t keep up with. But we all want to laud the super mega corp that is “pro” gamers. They aren’t pro gamers. They do it all for the bottom line a subscription numbers.